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Why would you ask that? There are a lot of successful asians! Although my parents and a lot of other Asians immigrated here and didn't have a lot of money for a college education and have really bad jobs.
Asia, as a continent, is the one of, if not most successful continents economically in the world. You have phrased your question poorly. For example; you could have written why are Asians poor in Bangladesh or India or China or Hong Kong or Cambodia or Vietnam or Thailand? To group an entire people who share many countries and many economies into one people: Asian; is inappropriate.

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They believe in a strong natural, spiritual wealth and don't believe that money is the measure of wealth. Money essentially is a piece of paper, that cannot buy love, nor can it save the natural habitats. They are pretty much ultranationalist, but when they do explode into full fledge industrialization they would be significantly wealthy.

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