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Brazil is in Latin America, whose people are Latin Americans or latinos.

Latin America comprises the countries of latin languages: Spanish and Portuguese, that were colonized by Spain and Portugal.

Latin languages are the ones derived from ancient Latin and the most representative today are: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian, Catalan.

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Q: Why are Brazilians considered Latino if they don't speak Spanish?
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Are brazilians hispanic?

No, Brazilians are not considered Hispanic. The term Hispanic typically refers to individuals with heritage or ancestry from Spanish-speaking countries, such as Spain, Mexico, or Cuba. Brazilians primarily speak Portuguese and are considered Latino, but not Hispanic.

Why aren't Brazilians referred to as Latinos?

Because in the United States, Latino is equal to Hispanic, which means Spanish speakers. Brazilians do not speak spanish. They speak Portuguese making them Lusophone, not Hispanic.

Are Brazilians considered Latino?

Actually Latino does not mean Spanish. A true "Latino would be someone who speaks Latin. People from the US call Spanish speakers Latinos, because they know that Spanish is a language derived from the old Latin language. So actually every person that speaks a language that comes from Latin is considered to be a Latino. That includes Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, and French. Brazilians don't like to be called Latinos because the stereotype that Latinos all speak Spanish. Latin America is called like that because people there speak 3 Latin languages, Spanish, French and Portuguese, as opposed to English which is a Germanic language. Haitians speak French, so technically they are Latinos too, since French comes from the Latin language. The correct term is "Hispanic" if you want to refer to a Spanish Speaker.

Are Brazilians considered Hispanic?

No, Brazilians are not considered Hispanic. The term "Hispanic" refers to people who have cultural ties to Spain or Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America, while Brazilians speak Portuguese and have a distinct cultural background.

Are brazilians latinos?

Technically yes because they are in latin America and they speak a latin language which is portuguese.Answer:Yes and No. Because in the United States, Latino is equal to Hispanic, which means Spanish speakers. Brazilians do not speak spanish. They speak Portuguese making them Lusophone, not Hispanic.So I don't call myself Latino. I call myself Latin, just like the french, Italian, spanish and portuguese.

Do brazilians speak spanish?

No, Brazilians speak Portuguese as their official language. Spanish is spoken in many other countries in South and Central America, but not in Brazil.

Do Brazilians find it offensive to speak to them in French?

No. The urban legend is that Brazilians find it offensive when you speak to them in Spanish, but this has no truth to it.

Why do Brazilians find offencive when you speak spanish to them?

The Brazilians, of course, speak Portuguese. Speaking Spanish to them is disrespectful because it shows that you haven't spent any time learning about them.

What are brasillian people language?

Brazilians tend to speak Spanish.

Brazilians find it offensive when you speak to them in what?

I do believe it is Spanish. Brazillians Speak Portugese but it is a common mistake that many believe the speak Spanish.

Why do Brazillians speak both Portuguese and Spanish?

Brazilians generally do not speak Spanish unless they learned it in school or have lived in a Spanish speaking country.

What is the most important fact about brazil?

Brazilians speak portuguese and not spanish.