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Because they gave the good gifts out to other goddesses duuhhh

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Q: Why are Demeter and Dionysus considered the givers of the good gifts on earth?
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Why do humans feel closest to Dionysus and Demeter?

Beacuse unlike all the other olympian deities dionysus and demeter dwell on earth with.the human

How are Dionysus and Demeter different from the 12 gods of Olympus?

I believe they are different due to the fact that they are able to grow things. Demeter as the goddess of the harvest makes the crops grow, while Dionysus seems to supply the growth of grapes and such similar plants. In a sense, Demeter makes the grains and vegetables that supply us with food like bread, and Dionysus makes the fruits that supply us with juices and wines and other drinks.

Was Demeter justified in punishing the Earth?

I don't recall a story in which Demeter punished the Earth.

How did Zeus feel about Demeter?

He felt upset that Demeter froze Earth and wouldn't unfreeze Earth.

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Where did the name Demeter come from?

Greek: deo - earth meter/mater- mother Demeter. Earth Mother

How did Demeter and Persephone affect the seasons?

Demeter and Persephone were both goddesses of the earth. Gaia (Earth) through her daughter Rhea, who was the mother of Demeter and grandmother of Persephone.

Who is the Greek goddess Demeter?

Demeter is the Greek goddess of earth and harvest.

What did the goddess Demeter bring forth the Earth?

Demeter is a goddess of agriculture, grain, and bread. That which grows on earth and is eatable was her domain.

What is the Universal symbolic meaning of 4 reasons From Main Greek Gods and Goddesses and earth goddesses Demeter and Persephone?

The number 4 symbolizes stability, order, structure, and balance in Greek mythology. Each of the main Greek gods and goddesses represents different aspects of life and nature, contributing to the overall harmony and balance of the universe. Demeter symbolizes fertility, harvest, and growth, while Persephone represents transformation, rebirth, and cycles of life and death. Together, they embody the interconnectedness of the natural world and the enduring cycle of seasons.

How powerful is Demeter in comparison to Hades or Zeus?

She must be considered very powerful, as when she is mourning the loss of her daughter, she stops everything from growing on the earth!

What was Demeter's chief function as a goddess?

The powers of Demeter is fertility, grow plants and make rainfall. Demeter is also the goddess of abundance and comfort.