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egyptians were mummified with jewels as souvineres to take with them to the after life.

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Q: Why are Egyptians mummified with jewels?
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Which god did the Egyptians believe was the first to be mummified?

The Egyptians believed that Osiris, the god of the dead, was the first to be mummified.

Egyptians were but in what after they were mummified?


How was a person mummified?

The ancient Egyptians kings when they passed away were mummified.

What is the meaning of mummified animal?

ancient Egyptians mummified animals as a sign of respect

Why were some Egyptian mummified?

Animals were important to ancient Egyptians, so they mummified them

Why were egptians mummified?

the Egyptians believe that if the Pharaohs were mummified the Pharaohs could enter the after life

Who mummified the Egyptians?

The ancient Egyptians mummify gods, pharaohs, godesses, etc...Any person of notability and or whom ever can afford it. They also mummified pets.They mummified humans as well as animals such as cats, cows and crocodile. Animals were mummified as they were believed to be messengers of the gods.

What special thing did egyptians do with the dead?

they mummified them and buried them

Why did the egyptians mummify their bodies?

They mummified there body to preserve them.

Did ancient Egyptians have emeralds?

Yes ancient Egyptians had jewels

Does everybody get mummified?

Only pharaohs and other rich ancient Egyptians got to be mummified. It does happen accidentally sometimes.

Was the cat mummified?

yes the cat was mummified and indeed all cats and animals were. in short the Egyptians loved animals.