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Q: Why are European languages still used in several countries of southern Africa?
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How do you say thank you in several European languages?

Smile and nod.

What are the two most widely used languages in Europe today?

The two most widely spoken languages in Europe today are English and French. English is commonly used as a second language across many European countries, while French is an official language in several countries and is widely spoken in parts of Western Europe.

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Why do the people who live in the Caribbean speak so many different languages?

The Caribbean region has a diverse history of colonization, leading to the introduction of various languages such as Spanish, English, French, and Dutch. Additionally, African slaves brought their own languages and dialects, contributing to the linguistic diversity of the region. This cultural blending over centuries has resulted in the prevalence of multiple languages spoken across the Caribbean.

Why do Europeans live on the same continent but speak different languages?

Europe is a continent that consists of several countries, just like Asia or Africa. Each country has it's own unique culture, and a part of that is their language. The reason continents like North-America or South America speak the same language is because European countries like England and Portugal colonized these continents during the 19th century. The original population, like the indians, had tribes that controlled geographical areas with unique culture and language, much like European countries.

How many languages does an average European person speak?

Although many Europeans, like myself, speak several languages there are millions, especially English and French, who only speak one. So I would say that on average a European speaks 2 languages.

What countries did the southern and Eastern Europe come from?

Southern and Eastern Europe are both regions of Europe containing several countries each. They did not come from any country.

What place sent a pamphlet to several European countries to attrack settlers?


Which place sent pamphlets to several European countries to attract settlers?

Pennsylvania :)

Who were the info-europians?

I think you mean the indo-Europeans. The term 'Indo-European' refers in most cases to a group of languages with common linguistical roots, not so much to people. There are some 450 languages today with Indo-European roots, European languages like English, Spanish, German and Russian just being four of them. Almost half the people on this planet speak an Indo-European language. The "Indo"-part of the name is caused by the fact that several eastern languages, notably Indian and Iranian dialects and languages, have the same roots as most European languages.

What is it called when you have lived in several countries?

Living in several countries is called being a global nomad or an expatriate. These individuals have experiences adapting to different cultures, languages, and ways of life.

What is a flat open land spanning several countries in central Europe?

The European Plain.