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Q: Why are German Shepherd legs strong?
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Who is more strong shepherd or labrador?

german shepherd for sure

How strong are Germans?

German Shepherd's are an extremely strong breed but are careful with it when socialized.

is it true that a german shepherd's back legs can easily get weak ?

yes, it is

Your dog is a mix breed of German shepherd and a rottwiller which will give up first his back legs or his heart?

Depending on the hip scale legs.

Are German Shepherd and Akitas a good mix of dogs?

Yes, if you want a strong dog.

How do German shepherd sense things?

basically a German shepherd is a very active and healthy dog they've got a strong power of sensing they mostly sense things with the help of their nose

What is better a Doberman pinscher or a German shepherd?

Dobermanns are intelligent, fast, strong, fearless, loyal. Dobermanns are warriors from hell. German shepherd is nothing compered to a Dobermann(European bloodline).

How do you know when German shepherd is through with labor?

German shephers have a strong canine if they have to fight for their master they will not eveb spare lion.

What is a King Shepherd?

Basically it's a longer coated, bigger German Shepherd who don't have as many health problems because they dont have a sloping back and legs.

Is the White German shepherd still a German shepherd?

No. It is a swiss shepherd

How much does a German Shepherd have in jaw pressure?

200 - 480lbs generally, they have a very strong jaw.

What is faster German shepherd or lab?

German shepherd