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* I believe the question is more related to a cure for HIV, for which i think the main reason they havent found a cure is that when you are trying to kill a body, first you need to target it, and that applies for every case in this world, otherwise you end up killing everything around. When you kill a bacteria you first have to know what type of bacteria is in order to know what type of antibiotic use. Viruses are harder to kill, since the size of them is soo small we havent been able to identify some of them ( including HIV). When Gallo discovered the HIV virus, what he really saw was a protein chain associated to it, but according to the rules of isolation for viruses, the HIV has never been seen isolated to date. That could be a reason why we dont have a cure, since instead killing the virus we are just making its road trip more complicated preventing it from multiply, or penetrate the T cells. In fact there are some scientifics that belive AIDS is not caused ofr such virus, but for a genetic degeneration some people have, and that their trigger is activated after an infection for an STD, or any other breakdowns of the inmune system. * This is really not true. There are treatments today that are effective when HIV is diagnosed early enough. The problem is that most individuals contract HIV unawares, thus it is only recognized after it has reached advanced stages.

Effective new drug therapies are keeping HIV-infected persons healthy longer and are dramatically reducing the Death Rate. However, prevention-both biomedical and behavioral-is the best hope for further reducing the spread of HIV.

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Because the HIV virus is an adapted form of the AIDS virus. The AIDS virus and the HIV virus are both difficult to treat because they first lower the immune system by destorying important cells in the body such as white blood cells and phagocytes, making it more diffcult to battle the virus and they both have an extremely high mutation rate, making it difficult for your white blood cells to create anti-bodies intime before the virus' antigen markers have changed. In laymen's terms, the virus changes too quickly for your immune system to try and cure you of it.

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Are there treatments for HIV?

There are treatments for HIV but no cures. There are a number of antiretroviral medications that prohibit viral replication and can delay the effects of HIV or its associated infections and conditions (like AIDS).

Is their a cure for HIV or treatements?

There is not a cure for HIV but there are treatments available to help with it.

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There are no known cures of HIV known to date. There are many treatments in hope ot cure HIV developed at the moment.

How do HIV medications affect the progression of HIV?

HIV treatments must be promptly administered to anyone diagnosed as HIV positive. These treatments slow down the course of the disease. As per WHO, HIV treatments include use of at least three antiretroviral drugs to suppress the HIV virus. Various classes of drugs that are helpful in HIV treatment are non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, integrase inhibitors, entry inhibitors, fusion inhibitors, CCR5 receptor antagonists, maturation inhibitors, etc. The drugs bevirimat and vivecon are being investigated for their benefits in HIV treatment.

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Yes, there are treatments for HIV AIDS, but no cure.

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A UTI cannot lead to HIV. They have different causes, are caused by different pathogens, and have different treatments.

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Just HIV, provides information on HIV and early signs and obvious signs of HIV. Diagnosis and treatments are also discussed as well as resources and guidance.

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In order to have a baby with HIV, the mother must be HIV positive. When a woman realizes she is pregnant it is important for her to be tested for HIV. If she is HIV+, there are treatments available that can nearly eliminate the risk of her child being infected.

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Are You Worried About HIV? See Symptoms, Treatments & More

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The least effective strategy is not wearing a condom during intercourse.

Which incurable STD leads to AIDS?

Infection with HIV is the STD that can lead to AIDS. There is no cure, but many effective treatments.

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