

Best Answer

In Genesis 6:5 humanity is accused of being "only evil all the time". There are also many passages where God expresses His anger at the evil hearts of His people (Israel). However, the New Testament confirms the sentiment of Genesis 6:5 in Romans 3:10 - "there is no-one righteous, not even one".

So The Bible doesn't teach that Jewish people are any more or less evil than any other group of people.

Alternate Answer

This depends on which Bible you're talking about. If you're referring to the Jewish Bible, the Tanach, no, it does not make that claim. In fact, in the Tanach we learn that HaShem calls all men good and that we are all (regardless of religion/nation) born good and innocent.

However, the Christian New Testament does include remarks that are very anti-Jewish.

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Jews and the Jewish religion are neither evil nor discriminatory. Please see below.

As to any religion's "evilness", this is difficult to measure, since "evil" is a value-judgment more than an empirical term. However, if the virtues of Judaism are discussed, such as respect for the widow and the orphan, the view that the best man is one who cares for his wife, the desire to rebuild the world into a more respectful and decent place, and the desire to treat every person with dignity and care, these views generally align more with "good" than "evil". Some Christian and Muslim groups allege that Jews are evil. The Christians who say this do because the Jews rejected Christ as their Savior which assumes necessarily that Jesus was the Jews' Savior without understanding Jewish objections. The Muslims who say this base their hatred of Jews on verses of the Qur'an that claim that some Jews had been turned into monkeys and pigs because God despised them and the Hadiths concerning the Jewish Tribes of Arabia. However, a religion's good or evil character should not be determined by historical perceptions of a religion by other religions but on the merits of that philosophy and ritual as expressed by those people themselves.

Judaism is also not discriminatory. Judaism actually asserts a far greater degree of equality between Jews and non-Jews and between men and women than most other religions. As concerns Jewish-Gentile relations, Jews have always believed that Gentiles have a unique role in the physical world, the spiritual world, and the World-to-Come (the Jewish euphemism for the afterlife). Contrary to Christianity or Islam, Judaism does not have the idea of damnation at all (forget eternal damnation) and the sinners have the ability in the afterlife to purify their souls. The term Chosen-People is usually seen as the basis for the view that Jews are discriminatory, but this term is often misinterpreted. It is not a sentiment of ubermensch or something similar but an appointment or calling -- similar to the appointment of the Fellowship of the Ring in Lord of the Rings. The members of the Fellowship are assigned a specific task, but this does not make them "better people" than anyone else. This is reflected in the view that Gentiles should have equality in terms of civil and political law in almost all Jewish circles. In terms of men and women, women in Judaism are encouraged to get educations and join the workforce. Much is made of Asenath Barzani, a Kurdish Jewess in 1600 who became a respected Rabbi in her community. In the Cochin Jewish community of India, there are numerous traditionally female-sung balads/prayers.

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15y ago

Well jeez of course not. There is no one religion or race that is necessarily considered bad. That would be considered a type of racism. It depends whether or not the person is bad. Everyone is different and it really depends on the upbringing and surroundings that a person was in. As well as many other factors that go into shaping a person.

Hitler just wanted to make the perfect race, and had the knack for speaking for it as well. He was Jewish himself I believe. He wanted to kill anyone that wasn't "perfect" in his own mind. Oh, and of course take control of the entire world, but who doesn't want to do that? (lol)

Anyway, no one can say an entire race or religion is bad, it really depends on the person him/herself. This question is exactly why I don't like to answer all these questions about Hitler. The more you focus on Hitler and his life, you almost begin to believe he was an okay dude and you wonder what was wrong with everyone else. People should spend as much time studying those who opposed Hitler, such as General Rommel who gave his life in his stand against the dictator. One needs to be aware that the Jews have been demonized for a long time - more so than other groups. What's more, most of the demonizers don't know anything about the Jews and wouldn't recognize one swimming in their soup. In World War 2, the Japanese - with a completely different cultural background from Europeans and Americans - were utterly bewildered by the Nazis' hatred of the Jews.

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No. Most Jews are not evil. There is no Jewish cabal trying to take over the whole world. Jews do not secretly hate Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, or any other religion or non-religion. There are those whose political or social desires oppose those of Jews and therefore find themselves fighting Jews, but as much as you may support the goals of one side, it is necessary to recognize the humanity in your opponent. Otherwise, the war is interminable.

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