

Why are Jews portrayed as money grasping?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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The roots of that perception go back many centuries. In one of the books of the New Testament, whoever wrote it threw in a verse or two condemning the lending of money at interest. In the real world, NOBODY except maybe your family or a very good friend will lend you money without getting something in return. Usually that is interest, repayment of more than was originally lent, to compensate the lender for doing without his money for the time the borrower has it, for running the risk that the loan will not be repaid, in recognition of the fact that the lender could have used his money to make more money except that the lender has loaned it to the borrower, and the borrower is using the money to make more money. But there it was, in The Bible.

The prohibition in the Bible against lending money at interest is THE reason the Dark Ages lasted one thousand years. Nobody could get enough money together to do things on a large scale, big enough to improve overall conditions, without being able to borrow, and nobody would lend unless they could get something in return.

But the Jews do not have the New Testament, so they had no prohibition against lending money and charging interest. In most places they were barred from other professions by law, beyond that of lending money. So, if a Christian wanted to borrow money, who did he have to go to? And who do you hate more than the guy who wants his money back, keeps nagging you about your late payments, demands interest despite the Bible saying charging interest is evil?

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