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Q: Why are Lion Clubs called Lions?
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What is the lion's litter called?

baby lions are called lion cubs

What is a group for a lion called?

A pride. A group of lions is called a lion pride.

What is a group word for lions called?

A pride. A group of lions is called a lion pride.

What is the synonym for lion?

Lions. Many lions as a group are called a pride.

What are parents of lions called?

If you see a lion, both its parents were lions, too.

What is a lion's pride called?

A Pride of Lions.

A lion lives in a.?

Yes, a family group of Lions is called a pride of Lions.

What is the name for young lions?

Young lions are called cubs.

What lion is red?

A lion that is red, or there is a school called red lion in DE.

Do lions live in Angola?

Well, considering there is a subspecies of lion called the 'Angola Lion', I would assume lions live in Angola ;)

What is the sibling of a lion called?

Lions' children are cubs.

What are the lions name?

A young lion is called a Cub