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Q: Why are adults allowed to say swearwords and children are'NT?
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Because they are too young to understand politics.

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they arent allowed because canadians arent smart enough to use them. we are allowed ! . umm, cause were not dumb. and everyone has them (Y) . so yeeh !

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because kids are more sensitive to pain than adults are

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some children arent allowed to have kids due to the fact they are missing a testicle, or "ball" this is due to hardcore sex, excessive masturbating, or skateboarding with baggy pants on destroying your nuts on a rail. It is a tragedy. most commonly known as UNIBALL syndrom.

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Cheats aren't allowed in xobox live but gliches are. yes cheats arent allowed and when you cheat you dont get gamerscore neither.

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the nig nogs arent allowed anywhere besides cages at the zoo

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He doesnt want anybody else to have you. He must secretly like you deep down :)

Should gay people be allowed to live among us?

No gay people arent normal and should be treated like animals!

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refused is when you dont do something because you dont want to denied is when you arent allowed to do something that you want to