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Adult behavior appears "weird" to children and others of limited intellect and experience because the immature have no frame of reference as to what in life is significant.

While there are immature adults who act more like children, in general, the behaviors that children complain about the most are those related to discipline and academics.

Check back when you have enough experience and intelligence to actually have a meaningful conversation... perhaps in 15 to 20 years.

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15y ago

There is a popular saying that says "As you get older, your parents get smarter." Perhaps the annoyance is "payback" for years of the same treatment. Or maybe it's that they are being overprotective...or just keeping you from doing yourself harm. Adult judgment is never perfect, but it is their prerogative.

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12y ago

Being weird or not is a matter of perception. There is no definite answer for what is weird or not. A parent may be acting in the right way but a child or teenager may not understand the reasons why and perceive it as weird. Perhaps when you are older you will realize why your parents acted they way they did and agree with it. In any event, they are weird because you decide they are weird in your mind and you are the only person who knows why they are being weird.

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Q: Why are adults annoying?
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