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Mercury is used for determining higher temperature for its accuracy.

Alcohol is used for measuring comparatively low temperature as it has a lower freezing point.

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Q: Why are alcohol thermometers preferred in cold countries?
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Which is better mercury or alcohol thermometers for low temperature measurements?

alcohol is best for both hot and cold (only in water) mercury is best for fire temps

Compare the expansion of mercury with alcohol?

Mercury expands more evenly than alcohol. This is why thermometers that contain mercury are more accurate than those that contain alcohol. However, alcohol freezes at a temperature much lower than mercury, so it is better used in thermometers in extreme cold conditions.

Why is alcohol used in thermometers?

AnswerAlcohol can be used in some thermometers due the fact of its very low freezing point. It may be used in cold atmospheres such as freezers. It however would not be suitable in vey hot atmostpheres due to the boiling point. because of it's very low freezing point

Who created the liquid in glass thermometer?

The two most common liquids used in glass thermometers are mercury and alcohol, both of which were created by M. Nature. Alcohol thermometers are, or were, used in extremely cold areas like the Yukon, where the temperature could be expected to drop lower than -40 in the winter (-40 is where mercury freezes, and it is also the only temperature that is exactly the same on both Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers).

Why is alcohol used in thermometres?

Alcohol can be used in some thermometers due the fact of its very low freezing point. It may be used in cold atmospheres such as freezers. It however would not be suitable in vey hot atmostpheres due to the boiling point.

How does a liquid thermometer measure temperature?

The alcohol or mercury in a thermometer expands or contracts very precisely according to heat or cold.

Uses of alcohol thermometer?

An alcohol thermometer is a liquid-in-glass thermometer which uses ethyl alcohol to gauge temperatures. The alcohol rises and falls as it contracts or expands when a change in temperature occurs.

How is temperature measured in Antarctica?

Thermometers are very effective in measuring temperatures, in both C and F degrees.

How were thermometers invented?

Mercury is put in a tube the Mercury expands when it is hot and compacts when cold.

What is the preferred vasoactive to treat cold shock?


What alcohol rhymes with cold?

Um .... OLD alcohol?

What do thermometers actually detect about the moving particles that make up a sample of matter?

Thermometers detect the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter. As the temperature increases, the particles move faster and have higher kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy is then measured by the thermometer, allowing us to determine the temperature of the sample.