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Alkali Metals are rarely found in pure form, and if they are they are normally stored under oil, because they react with water and water vapor in the air very violently. They explode if placed in water because they have one electron in their outer energy level and they want to give it away so badly. But if they are bonded with other elements, particularly non-metals, they lose that high reactivity.

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because alkali metals are uncommon.

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Q: Why are alkali metals found in many common substances but rarely found in pure form?
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Are alkali metals always found in the elemental form in the environment?

No, they are rarely found in elemental form.

What is hydrogens group name?

Hydrogen is part of the alkali metals group, though it rarely exhibits behavior similar to the other elements in the group.

Why are alkali metals rarely found as pure elements?

They are highly reactivated. they are reacting with other compounds.

List all of the alkali metals?

In order of reaction strength: Lithium Sodium Potassium Rubidium Cesium Francium Look in related links for a video demonstrating the reactions of different alkali metals mixed with water.

Why are elements rarely found as pure substances?

The Group 1 elements, the alkali metals, are so reactive that they have to be stored in oil; they will react explosively with water and since water is so prevalent in nature and the alkali metals are so unstable, you'd be very hard-pressed to find a naturally occurring sample. I urge you to go on youtube and look up reactions of Group 1 metals reacting with water. It's quite amusing.

Physical properties of metal?

Metals in general have high electric, thermal conductivity, luster and density, and the ability to be deformed under stress without cleaving. While there are several metals that have low density, hardness, and melting points, these (the alkali and alkaline earth metals) are extremely reactive, and are rarely encountered in their elemental, metallic form.

Why do you rarely find metals in a pure state?

Metals are highly reactive and are most commonly found in an oxidized state.

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Generally platinum, sometimes palladium or rhodium, rarely other metals as: Ce, Mn, Fe, Cu, Ni.

Is sodium a nonmetal or a metal?

Sodium is a metal.

What has only 1 electron and behaves like an alkali?

There is no metal like you describe in your question. Hydrogen is in Group 1, but is not an alkali metal. It is a gas at standard temperature. It does rarely behave like an alkali metal, and it does have only one electron. Hydrogen is in Group 1 primarily because of its electron configuration, which is 1s1. All of the alkali metals also have one electron in their outermost s orbital.

Is Corrosive substances are rarely harmful to human skin?

Yes, it can injure the skin.

Are corrosive substances rarely harmful to human skin?

Yes, it can injure the skin.