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Not all answers on WikiAnswers are useless. Usually unhelpful answers are posted by WikiAnswers users who don't know what they are doing, and post answers to questions even if they don't really know the answer. If you find an answer on WikiAnswers that is unhelpful, you can remove it or flag it for improvement using the tools on the blue bar on your left.

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Q: Why are all of the answers on WikiAnswers completely useless?
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Is it true people change answers on WikiAnswers?

Yes, people change answers on WikiAnswers all of the time. It is to better the quality of the answer. So, yes, it is completely true.

Why are there never any good answers on this website?

There often are good answers on WikiAnswers. Though many trolls will give useless and misspelled answers, W.A. strives to be a reliable source of information for all users.

Are all the answers on WikiAnswers complete and right or not?

There is no way to guarantee that the answers on WikiAnswers are all 100% correct.

Why are all of wikianswers' answers usually 1 word and useless?

People answering the questions might be too busy to give a full answer, or they are trying to answer as many questions as they can, and doing it quickly.

Does WikiAnswers have all the answers in the world?

It has the answers to all of the questions in the world except this one.

How correct are the answers on WikiAnswers?

All answers are 100% accurate and we at wikiAnswers check each and every answer to make sure they are correct.

Why ain't you answering all my questions?

Not all questions submitted to WikiAnswers are answered. This is because answers on WikiAnswers are given by users on a completely volunteer basis. For information on how to increase your chances of getting your questions answered, check out the related questions below.

Can WikiAnswers answer all the answers in the world?

I say it does but it might not:)!

Why is WikiAnswers such a useless website?

Wikianswers is not all that useless, it helps with some stuff. I think it's kind of useless too, but it's just because the contributors don't know enough to answer your questions. Its useless for a lot of things, but still, theres at least two questions it can answer for every one it cant, so really, its a good site.

Is this all the ans?

Nope... WikiAnswers does not hold ALL the answers. However - new questions (and answers) are added daily.

How does WikiAnswers know all of the answers to these questions?

Wikianswers does not answer your questions. It is people from around the globe on the internet that answer the questions.

Does know anything?

Technically, no. Answers is a questions and answers website. (Thus, the name: WikiAnswers.) All of its content is contributed by either users or guests of WikiAnswers.