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all the broiler chickens are white because ,when the chickens are born the are white in color and as soon as they are born an injection is injected into them making them fat and fluffy. the broiler chickens that we see in the market are actually chicks.

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Q: Why are almost all broilers chickens white?
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Which classes of poultry are recommended for roasting?

Broilers are excellent roasting chickens. You can also roast turkey, guinea, duck and any other fowl. All types of fowl have been roasted throughout humans history. Broilers are the big white meat chickens that grow to a large size.

Is the chicken from KFC free range or caged?

The chickens that KFC use are not caged. The chickens used by KFC are called broilers and broilers are not raised in cages at all. They are certainly not free range either. Broiler chickens are kept in barns which are massively overcrowded, polluted with their own excrement and the chickens are pumped full of growth hormones which causes all sorts of health problems. They may as well be in cages.

Can you eat all chickens?

Yes, but some do not have much meat on them and others their meat doesn't taste good. It is better to eat broilers or dual purpose birds.

Are chickens white or off white?

Chickens come in all kinds of colors: red, yellow, orange, brown, black, white, etc.

What chickens like ham?

All breeds of Chickens will eat ham! they eat almost anything! REALLY???

Do other birds lay eggs like chickens?

Yes, almost ALL birds lay eggs, just like chickens do.

Do chickens turn gray as they age?

It depends what kind of chicken you have not all chickens are white but so far mine are still the same color

Can chickens eat cheese?

Yes of course! chickens will eat almost any scraps, thus making them good, diverse animals to keep. They can definitely eat white cheese because there is no dye in it. We tried this with our chickens. Our chickens went mad for the cheese. The one that got almost all of them was our chicken, Chicken Licken. She is white. We notice that chickens that are laying eggs need more protein than our other chicken Chimpmunk who is four months old and not yet laying eggs. Our third chicken, Feather, she eats a lot of worms and stuff (slugs, etc.) and she's laid the most eggs. Because they are so precious we haven't eaten them (the eggs) yet.

Why do chickens and turkeys have white meat but ducks do not?

The breast meat on chickens and Turkeys is white because the flying muscle isn't used much. Any bird that flies regularly will have all dark meat.

What color are chickens?

It can depend. What colors are the parents? It all depends on its genes

Why are the egg yolks in Japan so orange in color compared with your US egg yolks which are yellow?

Because they feed their chickens differently idkIt all depends on the chicken that is being used.For example white chickens will put out white eggs while colored chickens will give out brown eggs.

What are broilers?

A broiler is a special breed of chickne bred specifically for meat. Some breeeds of broilers can be harvested at ages 6-8 weeks, depending on the gender.Broiler chickens are chickens that are bred just for meat. They are bred to grow really fast. Alot of times these chicks will die from heart attacks. This is because they grow too fast for their heart. Broiler chickens dont have a long lifespan. They only live for a few weeks (if they are not slaughtered they are lucky to live past a year.) Eventually their legs give out because they can no longer support all of the weight.