

Why are animals get used for testing?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Sometimes you need to test a medicine/chemical on a living being to see what happens.

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Q: Why are animals get used for testing?
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generally in pyrogen testing animals are used?

Yes and No. Animals are used in pyrogen testing. Rabbits are generally used in pyrogen testing.

Approximently many animals are used in animal testing each year?

Approximately 12 .1 million animals are used a year for testing.

What animals are used in expermental testing the most?


Is animals testing legal?

Animal testing is legal because animal testing has been used to cure some of the deadliest ailments. Animals used in testing are also mostly rats and mice, who have safe, comfortable homes.

What animal is the most endangered in the US in 20th century for product testing?

Doesn't work like that. For animal testing, you need lots of animals. And endangered animals are by definition animals that you can't get lots of. So endangered animals aren't used in animals testing. Animals used in animal testing are species like rats, rabbits, dogs, some species of monkeys. All animals that can be easily bred in captivity. And not at all endangered as a specie.

How much animals are used on testing each day?

over 40.000 animals are used each day!! over 40.000 animals are used each day!!

Do they used dog and cat for testing?

Sadly, yes :( Not as much as other animals, but they are used.

What is the most popular animals to be used for animal testing?

rats and you retard

Why is animal testing legal?

Animal testing is legal because animal testing has been used to cure some of the deadliest ailments. Animals used in testing are also mostly rats and mice, who have safe, comfortable homes.

Are animals taken from animal shelters to be used for animal testing?

They usually breed them just for testing, but sometimes they do get them out of shelters and pounds.

How types of drugs tested on animals are now used on humans?

After testing and approval, then they can be used on humans.

Why do animals get used for testing and not humans?

Because it is believed that a human life is more important than an animal's life. People don't think of animals feeling pain, testing on humans seems worse than testing on animals. Most of the products are tested on on humans after they have been tested on animals.