

Why are anteaters good predators?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why are anteaters good predators?
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What are ants predators?

Anteaters, Moles, ardvarks, birds.

What are the predators of the ant?

A few birds enjoy ants, as well as anteaters.

Are armadillos and anteater the same thing?

no anteaters are much bigger than armadillos. anteaters eat ants and armadilos dont. plus armadillos have a hardshell to protect them from predators :D

What are anteaters' predators?

they probably get eat by bigger animals then them

What are anteaters adaptations?

walking on their knuckles to keep their claws sharp to help protect them from predators and to dig for food

Do anteaters have good eye sight?

nooo anteaters cant hear or see very well

What animals eat anteaters?

The spiny anteater is more correctly known as the echidna. The biggest threat to echidnas occurs when they are young. Snakes will sometimes enter their burrow and eat the baby echidna. Other animals do not usually attempt to eat this spiky creature, but some echidna predators include very brave foxes and goannas.

How do anteater survive?

Anteaters survive because they can camouflage themselves while they sleep. They are also excellent swimmers and have sharp claws for defending against predators.

Are anteaters a invertebrate?

No, anteaters are vertebrates.

Are giant anteaters predator?

They are insectivores, which means they eat insects (hence the name 'anteater'), so they 'prey' upon ants, their 'prey', so yes, they are predators.

Why do anteaters have eyes when they are blind?

anteaters are blind

What does anteaters?

Anteaters eat Ants and termites