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Q: Why are antibiotics good at treating internal diseases?
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What are the drugs that are used to treat bacterial diseases called?

Most of the drugs that treat bacterial disease are called antibiotics.

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you are the one who gives our animals antibiotics you are the one who gives our animals antibiotics ................................................................................. To cure animals of illness or to keep animals from developing an illness.

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Treating the pain is only dealing with the symptoms rather than the root (no pun intended) of the problem. Oil of cloves and I found sniffing burning cardboard helped alleviate the pain a bit. But you need to get rig of the abscess using antibiotics or having the tooth out. (Robert Burns called toothache ' the hell of all diseases...')

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Internal Monsters Attacked from the Inside Horrors Inside Me All in all it depends on what disease your working with.

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The top nephrologist in India is a trained physician who has specialised degree in diagnosing and treating adult and pediatric kidney diseases. He ensures that a person's kidneys maintain good health and function properly. The various diseases treated by him are chronic & polycystic kidney diseases, acute renal failure, high BP and stones in Kidney.

What can prevent some bacterial diseases?

Vaccines are great for this. Some vaccines distribute inactive bacteria into your body so that your white blood cells can learn to recognize them. This prevents you from getting whatever disease the bacteria cause. Sometimes, however, it is not safe to introduce bacteria to the body like that. In situations like that, I think it would be best to take antibiotics.

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Can you give dog antibiotics to a cat?

You should never give antibiotics to any patient - cat, dog, human - without a prescription. The reason is that antibiotics only work for certain types of bacteria - if you use them for diseases that cannot be treated with that type of antibiotics, the medication will do more harm than good. It will not cure the disease, but the patient can experience unwanted side effects. In addition, misuse of antibiotics contributes to creating resistant bacteria that can cause very problematic diseases. Your vet will tell you what type of antibiotics, if any, your cat needs, and if leftover medication from your dog will do.

Are antibiotics good or bad?

If we talking about as compare as natural health than it could be right, but let suppose you are under the weather and you haven't have enough energy to fight for come back in natural health than it could be not in favor. it's depend on the situation. If you are losing the war with the germs, antibiotics are good. If you are winning quickly, then who needs them. Further, typical antibiotics promote deafness when treating ear infections! On the other hand, ear infections are in the head -- if they aren't controlled, it is very bad. So is your boss good or bad? You're employed, but he yells at you.

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