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You've partly answered this yourself. Antibiotics are used to treat infections. Specifically, they are for treating microbial (bacterial) infections.

Antibiotics can be used to treat many types. Depending on the type or seriousness of infection, different antibiotics are used. For instance, a person with severe acne may be prescribed a topical gel with clindamycin but a person with a severe case of syphilis may be treated with a course of penicillin. However, antibiotics do not work on viruses, which is why they don't work on colds or flu.

It's very important to follow a doctor's instructions when taking antibiotics, as microbes can become resistant to them if not treated correctly. Even if you are feeling better, you should continue taking the full course because if the bacteria is still present in tiny amounts, it could come back and then the antibiotics won't work. This is also why it's important to not take antibiotics unless they have been prescribed specifically for your infection.

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Q: Why are antibiotics used What type of infection are they most effective in treating?
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bacteria B because its larger than the rest so it has more power to kill the infection

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many bacteria have become resistant to ordinary penicillin antibiotics,this is why when a doc diagonises you they will pick the antibiotic most suited to treating the infection,also some people are allergic to certin antibiotics without knowing it so if you take non prescription antibiotics it may not treat the infection and put your health further at risk

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The Kirby-Bauer test, known as the disk-diffusion method, is the most widely used antibiotic susceptibility test in determing what treatment of antibiotics should be used when treating an infection.

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Antibiotics respond to infection in your body by going directly to the site of infection and killing the harmful bacteria that are present. Penicillin is one of the most popular types of antibiotic.

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Antibiotics are the treatment of choice for acute otitis media (AOM). Different antibiotics are used depending on the type of bacteria most likely to be causing the infection.

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Safely using antibiotics can only be done when a patient has all the facts. The most common misconception about antibiotics is that they can cure any infection. This statement is false and when taken improperly, antibiotics may not cure an infection, they can make a person sick.

Why can some people not use certain antibiotics?

People get sick from many different types of organisms. Anitbiotics provide effective treatments for most bacterial infections. However, we may get sick from parasites, viruses and/or fungi. Antibiotics won't necessarily be effective at curing these other types of infections.

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Probally Vaccine Or Antibiotics.

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