

Why are asteroids called mirror planets?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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They are sometimes called minor planets (not mirror planets).

They aren't planets really, but they are a bit like little planets orbiting the Sun.

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They are still called asteroids. But some refer to them as "rogue" asteroids, or "asteroids in irregular orbits".

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Objects that are smaller than planets are called "dwarf planets"; even smaller objects are called "asteroids".

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Terrestrial planets and moons of both gaseous and terrestrial planets. Don't forget Dwarf planets and the asteroid belt.

Why are asteroids called minor planets?

1,000 kilometers in diameter.

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Actually Dwarf planets are planets which are very small in size and cannot be called planets but not as small to be called asteroids, so the name dwarf planets.

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No Asteroids are too small to be considered planets.

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Planets, moons, asteroids.

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