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Bedbugs apparently do not cause a communicable disease, and therefore are not considered a "threat" to the general public. It might be technically true, but what they don't tell you is that once you get bedbugs onto your clothes and body, and bring them home, you are doomed.

Bedbugs are almost impossible to get rid of from clothes, furniture and bedding, and I have heard even after 3 heat treatments, an expensive fumigation technique, they can still be a problem.

I think the public deserves the right to know when a public building has a problem with bedbugs, and should have to close its doors until the bedbugs have been removed, and an inspection done to prove so.

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yes, Ive heard of many causing rashes

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Q: Why are bed bugs not considered to be a health issue?
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Foggers will kill some bed bugs, but not all. They are not considered to be an effective method.

Do bed bugs tend to not bite people who have had chemo or are diabetic?

Bed bugs don't discriminate over your health, just so long as you're alive and warm-blooded.

Can bed bugs cause permanent health damage?

They do not cause long term damage. However, some people are allergic to them, so bed bugs can be fatal. Bed bugs give humans rashes on their necks and faces. Some people may not see rashes at all.

Herbal remedies to kill bed bugs?

The best way to kill bed bugs is with blitz bed bugs. Here is the website :)

What are good pesticides for bed bugs?

there are no such things as bed bugs, but if you are talking about the: the microscopical bugs then no pestisides aren't for them if there are bugs in your bed you should consider getting a new bed or washing the one you already have. :)

Can bed bugs or mites be caused if someone dies in bed laying on a mattress?

It isn't likely to get bed bugs that way . Bed bugs have been around for years and they first came about when people would sleep on hay mattresses night there would be mini bugs bitting people.You may get termites from a rotting corpse but not bed bugs. You will not get bed bugs this way unless the deceased brought bed bugs with them into the bed before they died.

Can bed bugs live in swimming pool?

NO BED BUGS CAN,T LIVE IN A SWIMMING POOL because they are bed bugs not pool bugs.

Why are bed bugs called bed bugs?

Some people believe that bed bugs have their unusual name because they are mostly found in beds of humans that are sleeping through the night.they are bugs that live on your bed

What colors are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are generally found in black or brown colour.

What do you call bed bugs in Hindi?

In Hindi, bed bugs are called Kat-mal.

How can you protect your dorm room from bed bugs?

Dorm rooms are breeding grounds for all kinds of bugs - wink, wink. But bed bugs are definitely an unwanted guest. You can protect your bed from bugs with bed protectors.

What is difference in appearance between bed bugs and stink bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny bugs that can be incredibly hard to see in most cases. Stink bugs are on the larger side, and are generally seen outdoors, unlike bed bugs.