

Why are bees so FAT?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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14y ago

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You try living off nothing but honey and see how fat you get.

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Q: Why are bees so FAT?
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Are bumble bees fat hornets?

no they are fat rats

Why are bees fat?

You try living off nothing but honey and see how fat you get.

What 3 kinds of bees live in a hive?

honey bees, bubble bees, wasp

I have bees in my camper walls. When will they die?

well big fat NOOB bees will not die call a freakin pest control!

How can tell bumble bees from carpenter bees?

Bumble bees are big fat critters. Some times they are mostly black. Carpenter bees look more like honey bees. The tell teal sign of carpenters is saw dust and holes in where you think they are living.

Are killer bees fat?

Yes because all the poison that they carry inside of them

What bee is fat and hovers?

Could be a Carpenter Bee. They look like a bumble bee without the yellow band. Big and round, but harmless. They have no stinger.

How do you get rid of bees that are flying into a crack of the foundation of your house?

Be sure they are bees first! Bees have fat round bodies with golden color to the body and circular dark stripes. If this is the case then call a beekeeper and they will use their smoke cans to stun the bees so they can take them away along with the hive (if at all possible.) Bees are becoming almost extinct in the U.S. and Canada and beekeepers are finding hives full of dead bees. Save the bees! If this so called bee has a longated body, golden in color or sometimes dark and may have a small stripe you are probably looking at a hornet or a wasp and they do sting! They will also swarm a person so it's to your best advantage to get an Environmentally conscious Exterminator in to get rid of them. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS YOURSELF!

How many toes do bees have?

bees have no toes, so 0

Do bees sting rabbits?

Bees will sting any thing so yes.

How are bees viewed as a barometer in the environment?

this makes the recent state of bees even more alarming .If bees are in trouble so are we

Do bees give you messages if so how?

Bees are an integral part of the ecological system. If/when bees begin to disappear, it is a message that something is wrong.