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Black footed ferrets, as well as domestic ferrets, share the common but rare trait of having an inverted spine - this makes them very very flexible, able to twist in odd ways and fit through small openings. However, it prevents them from bending backwards, due to the direction the spine faces. This fact also explains why they often look hunched or rounded.

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Because they have a very flexible spines

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Are there wild ferrets in Hawaii?

actually, ferrets are illegal in Hawaii so there are no wild ferrets in Hawaii in general.

How do black footed ferrets act around other animals?

Well there is no difference between the ferrets but they get along well with cats and might bite the toes of other animals

Why do ferrets exhaust so easily when swimming?

Swimming is not a natural instinct for ferrets

How many of the two kind of ferrets are there left in the world?

There are probably millions of Domestic ferrets, European polecat ferrets. Black footed ferrets - As of 2007, the total population numbers well over 600 in the United States.

Can ferrets bend their body in half?

A ferret moves really fast.

What kind of light do ferrets like?

Ferrets are burrowing animals and like to be kept in dark places. From another contributor: Well, ferrets are animals that live in the ground. So, they don't see the light often. I'm sure they would like to stay in area, without any direct light shining on them.

Why and how do so many people in America have ferrets if they are illegal?

Ferrets are not illegal in all states, or cities. Every state has their own rules on owning ferrets. There are only 3 states out of 50 that ban ferrets in America

Are ferrets noctournol?

No. Ferrets are crepescular which means they are most active at dusk and dawn. Even so, most domestic (pet) ferrets will adapt to your schedule and will play when you want to.

Is it legal to keep ferrets in Scotland as pets?

Ferrets are sold in Scotland. So they must be legal to keep as pets.

Why do ferrets have sensitive noses?

Ferrets have sensitive noses because the are so close to the ground and constantly sniffing everything.

Should you feed your ferrets fruit?

Ferrets will probably not eat fruit because they are carnivores. So i would recommend NO!

Can female ferrets be kept together?

They can get along, but they don't get along as well as two male ferrets. Female ferrets, after they get spayed, are much more territorial than before they get spayed. If you are thinking of getting two ferrets, I suggest getting one male and one female. Of course, you should get them spayed and neutered, first.