

Why are blacks hated so much?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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11y ago

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It is a long story and not easy to answer. It seems to involve perceptions about their behavior and differences in their culture from that of the predominant race. Culture is more likely the problem than race, but folks tend to divide up culture and the right to claim a culture by race. That is less common as interracial relationships become more common.

For instance, some men of color believe they must be aggressive and that if they are not aggressive, they are not real men. That runs against the seeming White philosophy of keeping to oneself, not making waves, and minding one's own business. After all, they don't know hardship and what it means to have to fight to survive. People of color had to adapt to slavery and discrimination, and while their adaptations have mostly outlived their usefulness in a more civilized world, they linger on and are self-perpetuating, and perpetuated by racists as well. These two issues feed each other. The more people of color fight, get loud, or seemingly commit violent crimes the more racist others get, and that in turn continues to feed the behavior which harms the overall perception.

Then there are differences in assumptions between the cultures. A number of little common, everyday behaviors grate at the nerves of people of other cultures. For instance, if a White person walks down the street, they may be busy or wanting to get somewhere, and if they pass a person of color, they might actually not see them, as they are more tuned to themselves and their day. But that may be misinterpreted as racism, and if someone tries to call them out on keeping to themselves and being in their own world, then they may perceive themselves as victims of racism. So each may believe the other is being racist, when each is just doing what comes natural without regard to race.

A lot of it is a lack of exposure. Studies with animals show that cats and dogs raised together are less likely to be hostile to one another. Apparently, cats and dogs raised apart tend to have vastly different body language and are more than likely to misinterpret the body language of one another as aggression. A dog will get up in your face as a way of showing affection, and a cat that is not accustomed to that may claw the dog in the face. Likewise, ethnic culture is the same way. If you have one group of people still holding onto adaptations and even maladaptations to slavery, discrimination, and a former lack of opportunities, and another people who never had to face that, and they get their ideas only from their own kind and perpetuate their own ethnic history and experiences, then if they are not exposed to each other, they may build incompatible cultures.

Another thing to look at is that these days, they are not as hated overall, but the memories and resentments linger on. Sitting in a courtroom can be a telling measure of racism. I've observed what I call "racial nepotism" in court houses, where judges sometimes do seem to favor people of their own race in their decisions, at least in small claims court. There may be differences between government departments too. My point is that in some cases, we may have gone too far in fighting racism that we might have racism against other targets, while in other cases, we have not gone far enough as a society and the original type of racism continues.

It is only fair to mention other theories. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing's theory of racism involved lack of melanin, stating that Whites have a subconscious sense that Black genes are more dominant and that White genes need protection. Thus White people set up society to hold people of color back so they won't dominate society or drive White people to extinction, since according to that reasoning, Black domination is the natural order of things. She believes Whiteness is a genetic mutation and can thus be forever lost. Her theory is based on symbolism, Einsteinian physics, and the beliefs of Sigmund Freud. Much of her theory is criticized as being pseudoscience and Black supremacist in nature.


Additional from Dr. Sanders.

There are several problems here. The first one is that this is a trick question (like the one "do you still beat your wife? there simply is NO right answer; if you say yes you've just admitted that you do beat your wife, but if you say "no" then you've just admitted that you use to beat your wife.

The second problem with the question is it makes assumptions not evident in reality, i.e., all people everywhere hate blacks not proven and simply not true.

Third, the Q. is vague, and you didn't say what you mean, i.e., "why do whites hate blacks." The problem as we see above is that if you accept the question you have accepted the premise, i.e., all whites hate blacks. Again not proven and simply impossible since there is NEVER 100% of anything (some whites will always like blacks regardless).

So if we assume (always a dangerous practice) that your question actually was why do so many white people hate black people and we accept the unproven (you never see white riots where hundreds or thousands of white people burn black business or homes down) "fact" that vary many white people hate blacks then we still have a problem trying to prove, or actually even define, what you mean by "so many," i.e., do you define "many" as 10% of the total white population? or do you mean, for example, 50% of whites in Atlanta hate blacks, if so then it is up to you to prove your accusation that 50% of whites hate blacks--without proof all you really have is a good way to start an argument, and as I said NOT a real question at all.

If then we assume (remember what I said about assumptions) some small part of your question is a "fact" then to be fair to the millions of white who don't hate anybody including blacks we need to be more specific and clarify what you are asking, i.e., why did we have the "'Scottsboro Boys' trial where nine black teenagers were accused of raping a white woman in Alabama in 1931?" Or, why were those three black civil rights workers killed in the south back in the 1950's or 60's? Now we can give you a REAL answer, actually a cause and effect, meaning what caused the trial or what cause the blacks to be killed.

These questions have been debated for the past 80 years in the former and 50 years in the case of the latter with answers from, "the inherent (and unjustified--meaning there was NO valid reason for the white folks doing what they did) prejudice whites have against blacks," all the way down to "it's a communist conspiracy where the bad guys, Russia or whoever, planned a situation that they knew would anger whites against blacks (or blacks against whites)... and everything in between.

So, as one would reasonably expect, the real answer is somewhere in between, for example in the 'Scottsboro Boys' case it may have been that nine strangers (who happen to be black) raped a well known local woman who happen to be white. Whereas in the case of the three civil rights workers in may have been that local whites, who actually didn't like blacks, took the opportunity of finding three blacks in their neighborhood where the white folks took it into their own hands to outright kill these three black men.

To conclude, there were some extremely negative, and inaccurate, assumptions made in asking the original question, so much so that any answer given, which allowed the basic false premise that ALL whites hate ALL blacks will be inherently incorrect. Which, essentially is what we have in the above answer where some incorrect assumptions are admitted as fact despite no evident and where, in attempting to be even-handed information was presented demonstrating the kind of insanity some authors (Dr. [sic]Frances Cress Welsing) get up to in their effort to prove a fictitious theory is actually factual even if the absence of proof.

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I think it is ignorance. This would be a good thing to say to a friend that dislikes black people. Say, did you pick white. Did you pick your color? If he says no. No one gets to pick his color. Say, you are right, no one gets to pick his color. You just have to take what ever color that God gives you.

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