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Q: Why are bones put into a mattress in voodoo?
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Why do jamaican voodoo use bones?

It depends on the purpose, the intent, and the type of bones being used. Voodoo dolls are very personally made items.

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On mysims wii where do you find the voodoo doll essence?

In the graveyard that is in the desert near the dinosaur bones

Can a man use his girlfriend's panties to put voodoo on her?


How do you build a fort out of two mattress?

well first you can put the mattress's together in a slanted way then put a sheet over it

Can a person put voodoo on you?

Yup. In fact a lot times a mother will tell her son not to eat any woman's cooking especially if it's red, like spaghetti sauce, because she might slip something "personal" into it like blood, urine, or menstrual blood.

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Someone said they are going to put a voodoo on your family is this a form of a threat?

That depends on the context. Voodoo isn't always negative, in fact it rarely is.

How can you cure a strong voodoo spell put on a person to make them love them if the voodoo originates from Thailand but they are not in Thailand?

once a voodoo spell is cast there's no going back that's why you must be careful! Also voodoo spells have not been scientifically proven. It's all in your head man!

Should you put a mattress pad over a memory foam mattress topper or under or not at all?

If you put it over the memory foam, it get hot whiels you sleep so i say put it under

Will queen mattress and boxspring fit in a minivan?

No it will not. You will have to tie the boxspring up on top. And put the mattress inside the van.