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To a large degree, the feudal system was built on the idea of protection from invasion, rebellion, drought, famine, and other difficulties. The castle was a fort, in which quantities of food could be stored, and in which the local lord and a limited number of people could be safe. It was also a place at or near which a military force could be maintained, and it was usually strategically located to command some avenue of communications.

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because they were able to hide stuff like archers and horses in there ! happy now : )

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13y ago

it give jobs, gives good defence, important people would of lived there.

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10y ago

medieval castles where in important in medieval times because the Emmies were trying to attack the other side. castles were huge and big and with holes so yeah haha.

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8y ago

they help keep history alive

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Q: Why were castles so important to the feudal system?
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A peasant owned no land, so they weren't directly a part of the feudal system. Many peasants worked on lands owned by knights or nobles.

What exactly is a feudal system?

The 'feudal system' is a political, economic and social system that was in place throughout much of medieval Europe. It includes factors like; Serfdom, cottage industry agriculture (small plots of land worked on by the poor/serfs), barons/local leaders who had a hereditary right to land they technically owned and the system of having a monarch (sometimes constitutional) to govern the country as a whole. Hope this helped.

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beacause it was the start of the war of the roses

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