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Praised for controlling vermin and its ability to kill snakes such as cobras, the domesticated cat became a symbol of grace and poise. The goddess Mafdet, the deification of justice and execution, was a lion-headed goddess. The cat goddess Bast eventually replaced the cult of Mafdet, and Bast's image softened from a Lion to a domestic cat over time and she became the deity representing protection, fertility, and motherhood.

When a cat died, the household would go into mourning as if for a human relative, and would often shave their eyebrows to signify their loss, and cats would often be mummified like humans, and offered as gifts to Bast.

Such was the strength of feeling towards cats, that killing one, even accidentally, incurred the death penalty.

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Q: Why are cats so important in Egypt?
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Why were cats so famous in Egypt?

The Egyptian goddess Bast / Bastet seems originally to have been a lioness, but later became a cat. She was an important Egyptian deity: the patron of Lower Egypt (approximately modern Egypt; Upper Egypt is now mainly Sudan) and the protectress of the Pharaoh. It is probably because cats were divine in Egypt that there are no cats in the Bible.

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The cats of Ancient Egypt helped keep the mouse/rat population down, which helped because then the rats/mice couldn't eat the peoples grain, which was VERY important. Furthermore, this helped stop disease that the rodents spreaded from spreading. Cats of Ancient Egypt were so important, they were worshipped, and if a person killed a cat, they paid the same price they would for killing a person: They'd be put to death. Answer by Super Nerd

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Where are cats orinalgy from?

Domestic cats originally came from Egypt.