

Why are children not allowed cigarettes?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why are children not allowed cigarettes?
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Why are cigarettes allowed in the US?


Can FBI agents smoke cigarettes on their job?

No the FBI agents are NOT allowed to smoke cigarettes on their job.

Are electronic cigarettes allowed on air planes?

For the US, No

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Are inmates allowed cigarettes from out of state?

No, inmates are not allowed cigarettes from out of state. This is something that is frowned upon, and if an inmate is caught, they can face additional time in most prison facilities.

Where is it illegal to smoke cigarettes?

It is illegal to smoke cigarettes in indoor public places, workplaces, and parks in many countries around the world. Specific laws and regulations vary by country and even by region within a country.

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How many packs of cigarettes are allowed in carry on luggage for flights within the US?

The number of packs of cigarettes allowed in carry on luggage for flights within the United States are typically not limited. As long as the cigarettes themselves were legally purchased, there should be no problem.

Can you take cigarettes in a plane?

You can carry cigarettes (& cigars) on an airplane however there is no smoking allowed on board.

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Are you allowed bring 20 cigarettes on board a ryanair flight to spain?

No you are not

How many cigarettes are you allowed from Norway?

The taxfree quota for bringing cigarettes into Norway is one carton, 200 cigarettes.There is no quota in bringing cigarettes out of Norway, only the import quota in the country you are travelling to.