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Position on the Periodic Table is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus. This number is 17 for both neutral chlorine atoms and chloride anions. Because the chloride anion has one more electron than it has protons, the anion has one negative electrical charge.

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Q: Why are chlorine and chloride the same on the periodic table?
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No; sodium is in the group 1, chlorine is in the group 17.

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They are all in the same column (Group 7) of the periodic table and are also known as the halogens.

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It's Chlorine because they are in the same group in the periodic table.

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What would be the correct formula for sodium bromate considering that chlorine and bromine are in the same family in the periodic table?

NaBrO3 , but you can't find all info in the table about this

Do fluorine and chlorine have the same chemical properties?

No. No two elements have the same chemical properties. However, the chemical properties of fluorine and chlorine are similar. Since they are similar, they are placed in the same group, group 17, on the periodic table.

Is clorine an element?

Yes, Chlorine (Cl) an element. To be an element, a substance must have all the same type of atom. As it has this, it is on the Periodic Table.