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Q: Why are ckecks and balances important?
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How are checks and balances used today?

Checks and Balances : Each section (Executive, Judicial, and Legislative Branch) of the United States Government "ckecks" over each other to ensure that no branch gets more powerful than any of the other two. That is the Basic Idea ...

Why was checks and balances important?

They help you.

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It balances sentences.

Why is checks and balances important?

Checks and balances was created so no branch of government would become to powerful.

What happens if you write ckecks on someone elses account forgery?

Knowingly committing forgery is a felony.

Why is the checks and balances system so important?

A system of checks and balances is important, as it keeps one branch of government from growing more powerful than any other.

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judicial branch checks and balances

Is separation of powers important?

judicial branch checks and balances

What is the importance of check and balances inthe executive?

Checks and balances are important to make sure that one branch doesn't have too much power over the others.

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Partner balances are balances



Why the power of judicial review is an important part of the system of checks and balances?

Judicial Review is an important part of checks and balances it keeps unconstitutional laws from being passed that would give parts of the government too much power or violate the constitutional rights of the people.