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There is no evidence that clones are more susceptible to disesase or infection.

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Because they are genetically identical to their parent animal.

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Q: Why are cloned animals susceptible to the same diseases as their parent animal?
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Why do cloned animals have shorter life spans?

Cloned animals seem to contract diseases more easily, but we still don't know exactly why.

Successfully cloned animals?

animals have been succesfully cloned. if you watch animal planet alot you would know. NO OFFENSE animals have been succesfully cloned. if you watch animal planet alot you would know. NO OFFENSE

How does cloning help the world?

Cloning can help the world but it can do more damage too, when a living animal is cloned it receives the exact same genes as the donor so they will both be susceptible to the same defects and diseases, but cloning could make certain animals become less endangered for the time being but, do to the lack of biodiversity the animals could all get the same disease and have no immunity to it.

What was the first cloned animal?

The first cloned animal was a dog called "Dolly". Dolly was cloned from a 12 years old parent and lived for 6 years. scientists were concerned about cloning of animals because Dolly showed aging and some major skin changes.After that many different animals were cloned such as cats,rats ...........etc

What was the name of the first cloned animals?

The first cloned animal was a frog made by a Oxford University Professor J. B. Gardon in 1960.

Which is the cloned animal which has 15 percent cells of humans and 85 percent of animals?

Chimera sheep

Can a cloned animal have babies?

Can identical twins have babies? Yes. A cloned animal, except for its age, is indistinguishable from an identical twin. Depending upon how it was cloned, the telomeres of its DNA may be shortened, but this would have little impact on its ability to breed. In short, yes, cloned animals may have babies, and live out their lives as naturally as uncloned organisms, and this has been demonstrated in numerous cloned species.

What is a telomere and how does it affect cloned animals?

Telomeres are DNA sequences at both ends of a chromosomes that shrink in length every time the DNA is copied. In cloned animals the telomeres are usually longer than those of the same animal naturally conceived.

In cloned animals what substance must be transferred to the cloned version?


Is coloning a animal bad for the environment?

Cloning an animal can be bad for the environment. This is because it messes with the natural cycle of life and most cloned animals come out with defects.

What animal is clonned the most in the world?

there is no specific animal but they've cloned about 100 animals like sheep, pigs, cats, mice, cows,rabbits, and goats

How long did the first animal that was cloned live?

The sheep Dolly (the first cloned animal) has died at the age of 6.5 years.