

Best Answer

they are not.

the original clear diamond is more valuable than any coloured stones.

Another Answer

All else being equal -- carat weight, clarity and excellence of cut, a coloured diamond, especially one with a 'fancy intense' colour designation will generally cost more money than a clear, or colourless diamond.

A diamond that has been treated in intensify its colour is a devalued diamond, and may cost less than an comparable colourless diamond.

There are two links, below, that you can search, to compare diamonds: 'colourless' from Blue Nile and natural 'coloured' from Langerman.

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Q: Why are colored diamonds more valuable than regular diamonds?
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Which is more precious gold or diamonds?

Diamonds are more valuable, more precious, stonger more expensive and last longer. Diamonds are by far better than gold and is the best mineral resource discovered

What is the difference between simulated an synthetic diamonds?

The difference is big: synthetic diamonds are real diamonds and repeat all properties of natural diamonds, simulants are just trying to copy the brightness of the valuable gemstone. Synthetic's price is usually much higher than simulants. For more information on simulants and real diamonds follow the attached link.

Is diamond more valuable than moissanite?

Yes. Diamonds can be considered investments, especially stones larger than one carat. Moissanite stones are more commonly worn for their 'flash' value. Read more about comparing these two, below.

What determines the value of a 'chocolate diamond'?

The value of a "chocolate diamond" is determined by several factors, including its carat weight, cut, color, and clarity. The more carats a diamond has, the higher its value. The cut refers to the way the diamond is shaped and faceted, with well-cut diamonds being more valuable. The color of a chocolate diamond, which is a brown variety of diamond, can range from light to deep brown, with darker and more intense colors being more valuable. Lastly, clarity refers to the presence or absence of internal or external flaws, with diamonds that have fewer flaws being more valuable.

Why does colored candles burn faster than white candles?

because the darker the color the more light-waves it takes in. Therefore the regular temperature of the candle will increase. darker colored candles would burn faster

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i think its diamonds!(like in minecraft)

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By weight, a gem-stone quality diamond is more valuable than oil.

What is more Diamond or gold?

diamond is alot harder than goldAnother AnswerBy weight, gem-quality diamonds are more valuable than gold. By weight, gold is more valuable than industrial diamonds. Only about 20% of all diamonds mined are gem-quality.

Which is more precious gold or diamonds?

Diamonds are more valuable, more precious, stonger more expensive and last longer. Diamonds are by far better than gold and is the best mineral resource discovered

Are chocolate diamonds more expensive than regular diamonds?

No, chocolate diamonds are usually less expensive than regular -- white -- diamonds, given equal cut, clarity and carat weight.

Are black diamonds more or less expensive than regular diamonds?

Black diamonds are more porous and from younger sedimentary rocks, so they are not as expensive as other diamonds.

Why are diamonds more valuable than water?

Diamonds are considered more valuable than water due to their scarcity, durability, and perceived rarity. Diamonds are mined in limited quantities, while water is abundant in comparison. Additionally, diamonds are often associated with luxury, beauty, and status, contributing to their higher perceived value.