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Q: Why are complex sentences used?
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How do you classify complex sentences and compound complex sentences?

Ottawa is the capital of Canada, but Toronto is the capital of Ontario.

How can you best define a sentence?

Well, the usual sentence classifications are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. Simple sentences are the most basic kind, they consist of one independent clause. Compound sentences contain two independent clauses. Complex sentences contain an independent clause and a dependent clause. Compound-complex sentences contain at least two independent clauses and one dependent clause.

What are the complex sentences used in breaking dawn?

There are no complex sentences used in breaking dawn. The book was rated 4.4, as in children from grade 4 (9-10 yrs old) could comprehend the simplicity of the "story" fully. Meyers also attempts "sassy" vocabulary with words like "chagrin" but fails to produce any "complex" sentences, let alone proper sentence structure.

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How do complex sentences suggest hidden energy?

Long complex sentences, shows opposing views and urge listeners to get involved.

What is simple sentences?

One that is not complex.

What are complex sentences joined by?


Does Complex sentences have many clauses?


Why should you use complex sentences?

If you never use complex sentences, everything you write is going to be simple and you are limiting yourself in what you can do. You would find it hard to avoid using complex sentences if you are going to write a substantial piece of work.

What structure is used in this sentences We laughed so hard we cried but finally everyone calmed down?
