

Why are compounds dangerous?

Updated: 6/17/2024
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13y ago

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Not all compounds are dangerous; but some are toxic or radioactive, inflammable or explosive, corrosive or with a disagreeable smell, others are dangerous for the environment, others contribute to the greenhouse effect, etc.

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1mo ago

Compounds can be dangerous due to their chemical reactivity, toxicity, or flammability. Some compounds can react dangerously with other substances, cause harm to living organisms, or pose a risk of fire or explosion under certain conditions. It is important to handle and store compounds carefully to minimize risks.

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12y ago

For the sake of this discussion, consider "acute" poisoning: one takes into one's system a poison whose effects are immediately (or very soon thereafter) observed. By implication, a cumulative poison is one which is taken into the system in such small quantities that its effects are not observed or it is, otherwise, harmless. However, cumulative poisons, e.g., lead and Mercury, have a long excretion half-life - the period of time it takes for the body to eliminate one-half of the poison originally taken in. As a consequence, if one takes in additional cumulative poison before the previous dose was entirely excreted, the effects of the new dose are added to those of the remaining previous dose, or put in another way, the effects are cumulative.

The issue with cumulative poisons is not that they are poisonous, per se, (goodness knows we poison ourselves every day in one way or another), the issue is people who give themselves a regular dose of the cumulative poison until toxic levels are reached. In extreme cases, widespread mercury poisoning, e.g., has occurred in Japan and other Pacific Island communities whose primary diet consisted of contaminated fish.

Lead poisoning, the primary environmental threat to children (due to ingestion of paint containing lead) continues to be a problem in many areas; mercury poisoning is uncommon, if not rare. In the US, extraordinary events aside, mercury poisoning is a consequence of eating contaminated fish. As a result, the CDC, et al., publish various recommendations specifying the types and amounts of fish to eat on a weekly basis. The Alaska Epidemiology Department publishes an extensive "guideline" detailing mercury contamination in a variety of "Alaska" fish with recommendations for the general population, as well as pregnant women, a growing concern. Most conscientious companies are glad to furnish mercury data as it relates to their products, which should be consulted if mercury poisoning is a concern.

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15y ago

Basically because lead interferes with the proper function of several biochemical processes. For example, it blocks the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor site in cells in the brain, which produces the neurological symptoms commonly associated with lead poisoning. It also inhibits a couple of different enzymes that are necessary to synthesize heme, which means that it causes a kind of anemia.

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13y ago

pure lead "Pb" in the Periodic Table of elements is very poisonous when it gets inside your body.

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Ytterbium itself is not considered dangerous to humans in its elemental form. However, ytterbium compounds can be toxic if ingested or inhaled, so proper handling and safety precautions are necessary when working with these materials.

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Some dangers associated with organic compounds include toxicity, flammability, and chemical reactions. Organic compounds can be toxic to humans and animals if ingested or inhaled, especially if they are concentrated or have accumulated in the body. Many organic compounds are also highly flammable and can pose a fire hazard. Additionally, organic compounds can react with other chemicals to form harmful substances or release toxic gases.

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Arsenic is considered a dangerous metalloid as it is highly toxic to humans. It can be found in various forms, such as inorganic arsenic compounds, which are used in industrial applications and agriculture. Exposure to arsenic can lead to serious health issues, including skin lesions, cancer, and organ damage.

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Carbon itself is not dangerous or poisonous. However, inhaling or consuming substances that contain carbon in harmful forms, such as carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, can be dangerous and potentially deadly. It is essential to avoid exposure to these harmful carbon compounds and to ensure proper ventilation in enclosed spaces.

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