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It may seem counter intuitive, but temperature defines the color of an object and the hotter an object is, the more its color will tend towards the left side of the color spectrum. As someone else said before on this site, thinking about heating a metal rod puts things in perspective. As you heat the rod, it glows red and than bluer in color as it heats up. Also, think about the hottest area of a flame--the flame is hotter at the point where it is blue in color rather than red.

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Q: Why are cooler stars red and hotter stars blue?
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Are blue stars cooler than red stars?

No, blue stars are hotter than red stars. In other words, red stars are cooler. Think of it as fire. The red one is hot, but the blue flame is RAGING hot.

Is red stars cold?

No. Red stars emit less energy so they are cooler than hotter blue stars.

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Red stars are cooler than blue stars

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White Dwarves and Blue giants are both hotter than Red giant stars.

Is a blue star hotter than a red giant?

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Are blue stars hotter or cooler than red stars?

According to Wien's law, red stars are cooler than blue stars. This concept can be easier to understand using a light bulb. For example, when you turn off a light, the temperature of the bulb will decrease and you will notice the bulb turning red. The cooler light becomes, you will notice the obvious change in brightness and the color shifts towards red and the intensity is lowered.

What does color indicate in stars?

How hot or cool a star is. For example if a star is red, it's cooler. If a star is more blue, it's hotter.

What is the difference between red blue and white stars?

blue and white stars are hotter than red stars (and newer).

True or false Red stars are hotter than whittish- blue stars?

False. Blue giants(or hypergiants) are hotter than Red giant stars. White dwarves are also hotter but they are smaller than blue giants. (As is implied by the name.)

What is a clue to a stars temperature?

Its colour. White stars are hotter than blue stars which are hotter than yellow which are hotter than orange, which are hotter than red.