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Creditors would interested in an income statement because it would show the potential for revenue. Creditors would be more likely to lend money to a company with a positive bottom line.

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Q: Why are creditors interested in the income statement?
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Why do creditors use financial statement analysis?

Creditors use finanical statement analysis because it makes it easier for them.

When should the balance sheet be prepared?

The status report on assets and obligations shows the current success or failure of the company. Investors or creditors ask for these types of documents.

How do you do Income statement?

Comparative income statement is same as normal income statement with little addition of that income statement as well from which comparison is required.

How do you prepare comparative income statement?

Comparative income statement is same as normal income statement with little addition of that income statement as well from which comparison is required.

What are the two categories of the income statement?

Following are two catagories of income statement: 1- Single Step Income statement 2- Multy-step income statement

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no. income statement is a only a statement in financial statements.

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projected income statement is the estimated income statement to estimate the future business position.

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What are the Types of income statement?

1. Single step income statement 2 – Multi-step income statement

Why creditors would be interested in the balance sheet of a business?

Creditors are interested in balance sheet to check that how much money company has already taken as a loan from other creditors and how much assets are pledged and will company be able to return credit or not.