

Why are crocodiles good pets?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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11y ago

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Crocodiles are not good pets, reptiles generally aren't. Crocodiles are not truly domesticated and an adult crocodile can easily kill a human.

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Q: Why are crocodiles good pets?
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It is a place to have crocodiles as pets and help them not become extinct.

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No, there is no record or credible source that suggests President Barack Obama had pet crocodiles during his time in the White House. Presidents typically have more traditional pets like dogs or cats.

Are there any friendly crocodiles in the world?

Absolutely, if you feed them chicken or red meat they will gladly let you pet them! then they will take you out to dinner, under water, and cuddle with you for the rest of the night! except you will be inside of them, in pieces i suggest crocodiles as pets any day, no need for training. just let them run free in your house and feed them local pets from around the neighborhood.

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How good is a crocodileS eyesight?

Crocodiles can see at almost a 180 degree angle but cant see anything below there nose.

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They are not good parents. The eggs hatch and the babies are on their own .

What is a good website to look up gharial crocodiles?

google ;P