

Why are dogs farts silent?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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15y ago

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sometimes silent, sometimes aloud

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Q: Why are dogs farts silent?
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What are some names for silent farts?

silent, deadly, lethal, invisible men, impressive, sexy

Does Prednisone for dogs cause them to have stinky farts?

I don't know about dogs, but i just started taking it and the farts are awful

What are the different types of farts?

Eggy Fart the kind that smells like rottin eggs Juicy Fart the kind of fart that hurts when it comes out of your butthole and smells, and feels juicy Loud Fart the kind of fart that comes out loudly Silent farts quiet farts that are silent but deadly cause of the smell Fart A regular fart Poopie farts farts that come out when you are pooping and farting at the same time Humungous farts very loud and huge farts that are VERYYYYY!!!!!!! smelly Vibrate farts farts that make a vibrate sound when you are sitting on a chair that is hard Smelly farts farts that smell sooooooooo bad and knock you out and last but not least........................bad farts

Why do dogs farts smell worse than human farts?

they eat more food than humans.

Why don't dog farts make noise?

Dogs farts do have noise, Their farts don't build up as much pressure as say a horse or human would. A dogs fart if listened closely can make a whooshing noise

What are the different kinds farts?

silent but deadly and the kind where theres a series of loud continuous farts but they don't smell as bad and there are juicey farts that smell yummy

What is the gassiest dog breed?

I don't exactly know, but my poodles have very stinky farts! And so do big dogs. So I would have to say bigger dogs (because you know, bigger dogs, stinky farts... lol. Just my guess. :D

Why don't dogs make a sound when they fart?

Because they don't have butt cheecks, like humans.Lucky Dogs! They do have farts that you can hear though sometimes. Like my dog for example...yeah her farts are loud...AND STINKY!! LOLZ

Do all poots stink?

no usually loud farts do not stink but S.B.D's do SBD stands for silent but deadly!!!!!!!! POOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What smells worse dirty socks or stinking bishop cheese?

your dogs farts.

Why don't human farts bother dogs?

because dogs can't talk to tell us. charlie complains though

Can anyone hear a mouse fart?

No you cannot here a mouse fart they are tiny rodents there farts are SBD (Silent but deadly