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silent but deadly and the kind where theres a series of loud continuous farts but they don't smell as bad and there are juicey farts that smell yummy

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Q: What are the different kinds farts?
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How many kinds of farts are there?

there are 6 kinds

What kinds of decomposers live in the Indian ocean?

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What kinds of snake farts?

type your answer here mrw and aew were here

Do farts smell?

Some farts smell. Others do not. It all depends on the specific chemical makeup of the gas released with the fart. For example, different food combinations produce different smelling farts.

Can you die from smelling farts?

Yes, you will. if you smell too much farts in one day. there are 42% chances to get pulmonary tuberculosis or different kinds of lung disease. so if you dun care about u may probably die from it. so that's y people cover their nose when they smell it. good luck on surviving your own farts. :D hope this will help.

Do farts always smell different?


How are different types volcanoes built?

God farts

What does it mean when your farts smell like broccoli and you have not had any recently?

Farts are composed of many different gases. There are numerous combinations of these gases that can smell like many different things. You thinking that your farts smell like one thing in particular is nothing to worry about.

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farts farts farts farts farts

How did sam hughes fail as head of the ministry of militia?

Farts farts farts farts farts farts poo

What are the different types of farts?

Eggy Fart the kind that smells like rottin eggs Juicy Fart the kind of fart that hurts when it comes out of your butthole and smells, and feels juicy Loud Fart the kind of fart that comes out loudly Silent farts quiet farts that are silent but deadly cause of the smell Fart A regular fart Poopie farts farts that come out when you are pooping and farting at the same time Humungous farts very loud and huge farts that are VERYYYYY!!!!!!! smelly Vibrate farts farts that make a vibrate sound when you are sitting on a chair that is hard Smelly farts farts that smell sooooooooo bad and knock you out and last but not least........................bad farts

Will different kinds of salt make different kinds of crystals?

Yes. Different kinds of salt can make different kinds of crystals