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Sprinkler systems are often used to water areas that have plants evenly distributed (such as a grass lawn). In this scenario a sprinkler is effective because the entire area needs water.

Drip irrigation systems are more efficient when the main root areas are spread out (such as a fruit orchard) because they apply the water directly to the roots of the desired plants. This reduces the amount of evaporation loss and the loss from weed growth.

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Q: Why are drip irrigation systems more efficient than sprinkler systems?
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What are the type of irrigation?

Drip Irrigation (Both on-line and in-line systems) Sprinkler Irrigation System Micro sprinklers Micro jets Rain Guns Gravity fed Drip System Semi permanent sprinkler system. Visit dripwala website for further details

Modern methods of irrigation?

Types of Micro-Irrigation: Drip Irrigation (Both on-line and in-line systems) Sprinkler Irrigation System Micro sprinklers Micro jets Rain Guns Gravity fed Drip System Semi permanent sprinkler system.

What does irrigation look like?

Irrigation systems typically consist of pipes, sprinklers, drip lines, or channels that deliver water to crops. These systems can be manually operated or automated, and are designed to provide crops with the right amount of water at the right time to promote healthy growth and maximize yields. Different types of irrigation systems include surface irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and drip irrigation.

What type of irrigation can be used with tomatoes?

A drip or a sprinkler or overhead irrigator is used

What type of sprinkler systems are the most efficient?

The most efficient system would be to get an under ground drip system. this system used burried lines that feed the roots water.

Describe one way that farmers can reduce the amount of water lost during irrigation?

Drip irrigation is one of the most efficient forms of irrigation. It saves a significant amount of water when compared to traditional irrigation systems.

Different types of traditional irrigation?

Drip Irrigation (Both on-line and in-line systems) Sprinkler Irrigation System Micro sprinklers Micro jets Rain Guns Gravity fed Drip System Semi permanent sprinkler system. For further details visit dripwala website.

Which irrigation method would you recommended region that frequently experiences shortage of water why?

Drip irrigation would be recommended for a region that frequently experiences water shortage. Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the plant roots in a slow and steady manner, minimizing water loss due to evaporation and run-off. This method is more efficient than others like surface or sprinkler irrigation, making it ideal for conserving water in water-scarce regions.

How is irrigation used to bring water to dry areas?

Irrigation systems transport water from a water source, such as rivers or wells, to dry areas using canals, pipes, or ditches. This delivers water to crops for agriculture, helping to sustain plant growth in regions with limited rainfall. Different irrigation methods include surface irrigation, drip irrigation, and sprinkler systems.

Who invented water drip irrigation systems?


What do irrigation do?

It sprays water over the top of the plants, similar to a gentle shower. Not as efficient as drip irrigation, but much more efficient than flood or furrow irrigation.

Where could one go online to find information regarding a drip irrigation system?

You can go online to find information regarding drip irrigation systems on Drip Depot, Irrigation Direct, Lowes, Home Depot, Drip Works and Irrigation Tutorials websites.