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For anorexics, once they start losing weight they become too focused on food and weight and body and need to focus on being healthy and have a normal body/weight and not restrict. It's hard to get out of the cycle of restricting calories its like a drug- feels good in the moment, but doesn't help you but harms you in the long run. We need help because of this and have a team of therapists dieticians psychiatrists etc

I don't know too much about bulimics and binge eaters but its all the same idea. Our eating habits are out of control and we need help dealing with them and our other life problems differently so we can get our lives back.

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14y ago

Eating disroders are difficult to deal with because it affects a person on so many levels. There is the health concern to take into account. But it is also very mental. And mental disorders or mental distress is very difficult and hard to deal with and come to terms with. It is also harder to treat mental distress and to change the way the mind thinks and works than it is to change a physical health aspect of a person. Also, anorexia tends to affect those around the person who suffers from the disorder. Often they isolate themselves, or are harmful to those around them.

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12y ago

they want to get skinny - fast, and they think that they could control it even tho in the end they really cant. i find seeking for ed's really stupid but honestly the thought has gone through my mind too.

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10y ago

The absolute very best thing for a person with an eating disorder to do is get themselves to a 12-step meeting for people suffering from eating disorders.

These groups know exactly what the sufferer is going through because they are all living with the same disorder(s), although each may be at a different stage of recovery/functionality. The principles they espouse are rock-solid. It's an ingenious program. No matter how smart or well-educated a doctor is, he/she is looking at you and your disorder... from the outside.

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Q: Why would someone might seek help for eating disorder?
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Related questions

What would someone lack of if they had a eating disorder?

They would lack normal eating habits.

What happens if someone with an eating disorder becomes pregnant?

That would really depend on the severity and type of the eating disorder. The closer to anorexia proper the woman is, the more likely she is to have problems during her pregnancy, and possibly miscarry.

If you have an eating disorder can you lose weight?

That would depend on what your eating disorder is, if it is that you are prone to overeating, it is going to be difficult to lose weight, on the other hand, if you have a eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, you will lose weight.

Think my girlfriend might have an eating disorder?

Chewing a certain number of times sounds more like OCD than an eating disorder. I would ask her about it, don't attack her or embarrass her just casual conversation. Let her know that if she needs support you will be there for her.

Where can one find the eating disorder center?

The first tip would be to speak to your doctor. Only your doctor will know for sure if you have an eating disorder. If you are diagnosed with an eating disorder, your doctor can recommend some treatment centers in your area.

Are there vaccines for bulimia?

i would have to say no. a vaccine is something that prevents a disease. bulimia is an eating disorder. i dont think there is a vaccine for an eating disorder. sorry.

Signs of an eating disorder?

To know if a person has an eating disorder, he or she might be picky about their food and would not eat certain foods under any circumstances. He or she probably will get uptight about the discussion of food. Also, if it is ever asked whether he or she HAS an eating disorder, he or she will probably deny it, as he or she will not want to be helped. Sometimes that person will starve him/herself, or will overeat constantly. There are many different types of eating disorders, and many different signs depending on the type.

Is there an eating disorder for people who don't think they're fat but have a hard time eating?

Yes. That would probably be BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder) or EDNOS (Eatin Disorder Not Otherwise Specified).

Can someone have an eating disorder that isn't self inflicted like caused by the body not the hand?

That would make it a physical disorder like a disease. The term eating disorder means that the person has some reason to not eat or to purge the food they do eat because it technically makes them feel better although in the long run they are only making it worse.

What eating disorders involves binging on large amounts of food followed by purging in an attempt to avoid weight gain?

These behaviors would describe those of someone who suffers from Bulimia or Binge-eating disorder.

Can doctors help with eating disorders?

You should consult your doctor immediately if you think you have an eating disorder. If your doctor feels that medication would assist you with your disorder then one will be prescribed for you.

Do you capitalize E or D in eating disorder?

Under normal circumstances, neither word would be capitalised in the phrase eating disorder. If, however, these words formed part of a title in a book or article, they would certainly be capitalised.