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It is specialised by being a long, thin cell that enables it to carry electrical messages (nerve impulses) around the body through travelling along the "axons" (thin, long bit in middle knows as "nerve fibres") from your brain or spinal cord to one of the muscles. Once the impulse gets to the muscle, the muscle contracts. =)

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14y ago
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14y ago

It is mainly due to the fact that the millions of sperm entered ito the vagina after ejaculation takes place the semen is released in the cervix. The semen then imeadiately coagulates so that the female retains the sperm

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10y ago

The sperm cells (spermatozoa) shape and structure makes it a specialised cell. Its tail (flagellem) enables it to swim and move easily to reach and fertilise the female egg. There are many mitochondria within the body of the cell providing it with the energy to enable it to swim. Within the head of the sperms cytoplasm a vacuole containing enzymes is present so that it can digest its way through the ovum to fertilise it.

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15y ago

Sperm cells have a long, thin tail to propel them cells to the egg. Masses of mitochondria provide the necessary ATP to make the journey. Nerve cells or neurones are coated in a myelin sheath to insulate and protect the cells Red blood cells have a bi-concave shape which increases their surface area to maximise oxygen uptake. They don't have a nucleus either, to further raise their potential capacity for oxygen uptake. White blood cells are able to either engulf pathogens, or secrete antibodies to kill them.

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11y ago

There are many types of white blood cells. - If you want the short general answer, it's that some release antibodies to stop the microbe/virus from causing any more damage, some get your body back to normal, some tackle bacteria and fungi whilst others tackle larger parasites. Job done. That is the Year 7/8 answer for you. If you want the year 4 answer, it is that they 'swallow germs'.

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13y ago

A sperm cell (gamete) is a specialised cell because it only performs one function: to fertilise an egg, and its structure relates to it's function. For example, the sperm cell's long tail helps it swim faster.

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11y ago

they have good legs for running to the infection

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14y ago

It is specialized because it takes away the bacteria that gets inside you otherwise that bacteria could harm you. Also there would be lots of white blood cells because they die away easily.

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Q: Why are egg and sperm cells specialised?
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What specialised cell is used in reproduction?

The gamete. Haploid egg and sperm cells in sexually reproducing organisms.

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because the sperm cells fail to find the egg cells or the sperm isn't good to unite with the egg

Which cell has tail to help it move?

Sperm cells are zygotes (specialised cells with only 23 chromosomes).

What are 2 kinds of sex cells that a gametophyte produces?

sperm cell and egg cells

When the sperm cells joins an egg cells?

When the sperm penetrate the egg cell fertilization occurs.

Who is Albrecht Von Roelliker?

He realised that sperm and egg cells were also cells

What is a sperm or egg?

Sperm and egg cells are gametes, or reproductive cells. The sperm is the male reproductive cell. The egg is the female reproductive cell.

What 2 cells created you?

A sperm and an egg.

How can you use sperm and egg in the same sentence?

sperm fertalizes the egg cells.

Is the union of egg and sperm mitosis or meiosis?

Neither. The union of a sperm and egg is called fertilization. Both sperm and egg cells are sex cells that are produced through meiosis.

Has how many chromosomes withn the egg cells?

All human gametes (sex cells), which means egg cells and sperm cells, have 23 chromosomes. When the sperm fertilises the egg, the 23 chromosomes from the egg cell and the 23 chromosomes from the sperm cell join to make cells with 46 chromosomes. In summary, all cells in the human body have 46 chromosomes, except sperm cells and egg cells, which have 23.

What word also means sperm and egg cells?

Sperm cells and egg cells named together are called gametes.