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Q: Why are eggs considered to be a versatile food sign in?
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In petpetpark where are the plain white eggs?

white eggs are in grenns barn by the sign. : )

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Sign up to reading eggs

Is vomiting a sign of food poisoning?

Yes vomitng can be a sign of food poisoning!!

Why is menstrual flow a sign that a girl can be pregnant?

Flow is a sign that the girl is not pregnant yet, but ovulating, or producing eggs every month. These eggs can be fertilized, and she can become pregnant.

What colour are Salmon eggs?

Salmon Faverolles hens are good winter layers of medium-sized, light brown to pinkish eggs. Faverolles are considered to be very good layers, a well-cared for Faverolles hen will lay approximately four eggs per week.

How do you say What is for dinner in sign language?

its a compound sign you first sign FOOD... then.... NIGHT in one fluid motion FOOD-NIGHT

Are deep yellow egg yolks sign of old eggs?

No Brighter color reflects only the nutrition of the hen. The richer the color of the yolk indicates the quality of the food the hen is eating. Most free range hens lay eggs with bright orange yolks.

Why is Capricorn the best zodiac sign?

No zodiac sign can be considered to be the best zodiac sign, they all have their strengths and weaknesses.

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Are June bugs the sign of death?

Cancer is considered the sign of birth and death, if this helps...

What kind of reptile lays small round bright yellow eggs?

Many reptiles lay bright yellow eggs. Yellow eggs are often a sign of the eggs not being fertilized so many reptiles have this capability.