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Because we don't want the species to die so humans are protecting it

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Q: Why are endangered species protected?
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How long has the Gila monster been endangered?

They are not an endangered species, but they have been protected since 1952.

To what extent should endangered species be protected?

An endangered species should be protected until they are no longer endangered. This means that the population should be stable and able to support itself.

Why fish shouldn't be on the endangered species list?

Endangered fish should be protected and placed on the Endangered Species list.

Is the Alligator gar an endangered species?

Alligators are not an Endangered Species, but a Protected Species. They weill never come off the Protected list. They cannot repopulate fast enough.

Are exmoors endangered?

They aren't endangered, but a protected species. And yes, they are different.

The endangered species act passed in 1973 has?

saved some protected species, but more species need to be protected

What do you think will happen if endangered species are not protected?

If they are not protected, they will become extinct.

What is the Difference between endangered species and vulnerable species?

Endangered species are in danger. Protected species are being protected. Turtels are never in danger because they have a hard ball on their back and they are protected. Humans are in danger because we don't have a shell and we are soft.

Is an okapi an endangered species?

Yes, they are endangered and protected. They were once thought to be cryptids.

Is the Bald Eagle an endangered species or protected species or both?

The Bald Eagle IS an endangered species.The bald eagle is not an endangered species, having recovered to acceptable numbers.

Are wild asses endangered?

Yes, the species has become endangered due to lack of vegetation and water, they are currently a protected species.

How are siberian tigers protected?

The entire population of nearly 600 is protected as an endangered species.