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Enlightened beings are a threat only to themselves because believing anyone to be enlightened is a kind of sickness, believing one's self to be enlightened is pure madness, there never was nor will therer ever be an enlightened being.

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Q: Why are enlightened beings a threat to darkness?
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What are the enlightened cities that have to do with Buddha?

Cities cannot be enlightened -- only conscious beings can be enlightened.

Who are the buddhas?

This question should be (who is Buddha?) because Buddha is one person that is founder of Buddhism. He Born in Lumbini, Nepal.Answer:All enlightened beings are Buddhas. All sentient beings can become enlightened, Therefore all sentient beings can become Buddhas given enough time.

What is the ulitmate goal of Buddhism?

Ultimately all sentient beings will become enlightened and enter into Nirvana.

How many Buddhas were there before Gautama Buddha?

The number of enlightened beings before and after Gautama Buddha is incalculable.

What does enlightened one mean?

An enlightened one is one who has switched on the inner light. The word enlightenment means to overcome the darkness that is within us and to see the Truth of who we are. We are not this body that we appear to be, we are not the mind that is bombarding us with thoughts. The Truth is that we are the Divine Spirit but because we are enveloped in the darkness of ignorance, there is no enlightenment. The enlightened one is the one who realizes that I have a body, I am not the body, the mind appears to be but that is not ME. I am not the Mind and Ego, I am the Divine Soul. That is the meaning of an enlightened one - the one who lives with enlightenment, the one who lives as the Divine Spirit.

Can a Buddha beeb in the same room as a goddess Buddha?

Your question is hard to answer since; (1) there are no Buddhist Gods or Goddess; (2) I do not know if you are talking about a Buddha (can be either male or female) as a current enlightened being or statues of enlightened beings. I will try to answer both. (1) You may have statues of both a Buddha and other enlightened beings (such as Tara) on your shrine at the same time. Buddhists accept all enlightened beings as being good and wholesome. (2) If you happen to be in a room with both a living Male and Female Buddha, all I can say is rejoice in their presence and learn as much as you can.

What is the great vehicle of Buddhism?

There are two major schools of Buddhism - Mahayana and Theravada.Mahayana is referred to as the "great vehicle". It proposes that all enlightened beings refuse entry into Nirvana, choosing to return to the cycle of birth and death to enlighten others until all beings are enlightened and achieve Nirvana.Theravada beilves that enlightened beings enter Nirvana as the become enlightened one by one.The analogy is that Thedavera is like a bicycle - a small vehicle for individual transport, while Mahayana is a "great vehicle" like a bus that gathers everyone before proceeding to Nirvana.

What does Enlightened One?

An enlightened one is one who has switched on the inner light. The word enlightenment means to overcome the darkness that is within us and to see the Truth of who we are. We are not this body that we appear to be, we are not the mind that is bombarding us with thoughts. The Truth is that we are the Divine Spirit but because we are enveloped in the darkness of ignorance, there is no enlightenment. The enlightened one is the one who realizes that I have a body, I am not the body, the mind appears to be but that is not ME. I am not the Mind and Ego, I am the Divine Soul. That is the meaning of an enlightened one - the one who lives with enlightenment, the one who lives as the Divine Spirit.

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Where do buddahs live?

A "buddha" is an enlightened person The term is used in Buddhism to describe a person that put down all desire and has elevated themselves to the position that they could enter Nirvana.. There are many enlightened people in the world, their number is unknown. Eventually all sentirnt beings will become enlightened.

Why is there no current Buddha?

There are any number of enlightened beings (Buddhas) in the world. The Dalai Lama, for example is held to be the reincarnation of the Buddha of Compassion.

How do you know if your enlightened or not?

How do you know that the room in which you are living has light or has no light? It's very simple, right? If there is darkness all around you, you know that the light is off, but if the light is switched on, then there is no darkness, you can see everything in the room. So it is with Enlightenment. Enlightenment is switching on the spiritual light, the light within. How do you know that you are enlightened? You can see what is within; you can see the Spirit, the Divine Soul, the Atman; you can see the Truth that you are not the body that dies; you are not even the mind that you cannot find; you realize that you are a manifestation of can see this because you are enlightened. You don't need anybody to tell you when the inner light is switched realize that you are enlightened.