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I think couponers are over weight because a lot of coupons are for processed foods. As we know processed foods are full of calories, carbs, salt and sugar. I also think couponers are overweight because their focus is on supermarket shopping. Although they buy non food items as well, the main focus is on food. Sitting and clipping coupons might be a factor.

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Q: Why are extreme couponers always overweight?
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Is the show "Extreme Couponing" hurting regular coupon users?

There is a big debate about this among couponers, but yes, I believe it is. There are some people on the show that have gotten away with things they shouldn't have, and are making "hidden treasure" public, which is ruining it for the people who have been couponing. However, it is also a very informative show, although not very realistic because most couponers do not shop that way.

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Why are overweight people overweight?

Many people look at others who are overweight and assume that they must be lazy and eat lots of unhealthy foods. This is not always the case and our weight is not always something we are in control of. Metabolism problems are one reason why people are overweight. Some people who are overweight do eat very healthy and exercise regularly. There are many reasons for having a slow metabolism. This may include genetics or even hormonal disorders. For example, my mother has a thyroid disorder and she is overweight. She is constantly eating healthy and she exercises for hours everyday. There is nothing she can do about this problem, there is not medical cure. This just goes to show people that they shouldn't judge others before they know the situation that those people are in. Our weight is not always as easy to control as people may think.

The Coupon Craze: Extremely Thrifty or Just Extreme?

Six hundred dollars worth of grocery for only five dollars? Hard to believe but this is what some savvy shoppers have been able to achieve by what is popularly known as "Extreme Couponing". A reality series by the same name on TLC (The Learning Channel) follows avid savers and coupon clippers who have got coupon saving down to a science. These hard core coupon clippers have gone to extremes to get valuable coupons including rummaging through dumpsters, buying multiple copies of Sunday papers and even bribing store owners for unsold Sunday supplements. Extreme couponers use many strategies to get phenomenal savings. One woman invested in two printers in order to print extra online coupons. Another person enters her coupons into a database to track offers and expiration dates. Many admitted to spending 30 - 40 hours per week at this task. For many, extreme couponing is like a full time job. Couponers justify the time spent by the amount of products they are able to secure at little or no cost. To understand how extreme couponing works, it pays to know some of the lingo. For example, "stacking" refers to using both an in store coupon and a manufacturer�s coupon to increase savings. The term "Catalina" refers to the future purchase coupons printed on the register receipt at the end of the sale. The acronym "BOGOF" means "buy one get one free". Extreme couponers combine this strategy with "stacking" to get both items free or for little money. This brings us to one of the most perplexing aspects of extreme couponing. The extreme couponer will buy in huge quantities just to maximize savings. For example, a single woman bought a year�s supply of baby diapers. Others have bought as many as four dozen bottles of hot sauce, one hundred yogurt cups, and dozens of disposable razors. Some extreme couponers donate much of the overstock to charities and food pantries but most seem to get pleasure from marveling at the stockpiles of products that spill over into garages, bedrooms and other living spaces. Extreme couponing may become a passing fad when regular shoppers realize the impossibility of duplicating results shown on the television show. However, extreme couponing may have made many more shoppers more aware of saving and wise shopping.

Is it true that people who are overweight simply eat too much?

most of the time but not always, they can have a disorder that makes them fat