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Women have two X chromosomes, while men have an XY chromosome, therefore if the recessive allele is on the X chromosome, the man will most likely inherit the gene. While the woman has two X's, I believe because it is recessive both X's have to contain the allele. So if only one X has a recessive allele, she will not inherit it.

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3d ago

Females have two X chromosomes, one of which is usually dominant over the recessive allele. This means that the dominant allele can mask the effects of the recessive allele. In males, who have only one X chromosome, a recessive allele linked to that X chromosome will be expressed because there is no dominant allele present to mask it.

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Q: Why are females less likely to show a trait caused by a recessive allele linked to an X chromosome?
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Is hunters disease dominant or recessive?

Hunter's disease is inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. This means the mutated gene that causes the disease is located on the X chromosome, and males are more commonly affected because they only have one X chromosome. Females can carry the mutated gene but are typically unaffected due to having a second X chromosome that can compensate.

Is waardenburg syndrome caused by a dominant or recessive allele?

Autosomal dominant allele

How do dominant and recessive alleles affect an offsprings phenotype?

The traits inherited depends upon the alleles that have been passed on from the father and mother.The traits that are exhibited is called as the phenotype. Dominant allele needs only one copy to be expressed.For example in a pea plant "T" represents the tall dominant allele and "t" the short recessive allele .TT - when there are two dominant alleles the pea plant will express the tall trait. The pea plant is tall.Tt - when there is one dominant and one recessive allele the pea plant will still express the tall trait.In this case the dominant allele masks the recessive allele and the pea plant is still - when there are two recessive alleles the pea plant will express the recessive trait and the pea plant is short.For a recessive trait to show up there should be a pair of recessive alleles.

What is the phenotype of an individual with one allele for dimples and one allele for no dimples?

a example of a gene

Is alkaptonuria caused by a recessive or dominant allele?

Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder. The enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase is necessary to metabolize phenylalanie, but when this enzyme doesnt work, phenylaline accumulates and is detected in the urine. The disease is detected during pregnancy, and if treated right away the newborn can develop normally. However, if left untreated, the brain will not develop properly.

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What causes birthmarks?

well some people believe a birthmark is caused by a recessive allele on the y chromosome

Is hunters disease dominant or recessive?

Hunter's disease is inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. This means the mutated gene that causes the disease is located on the X chromosome, and males are more commonly affected because they only have one X chromosome. Females can carry the mutated gene but are typically unaffected due to having a second X chromosome that can compensate.

Is hemophilia A sex-linked?

Yes, hemophilia A is a sex-linked recessive genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the F8 gene on the X chromosome. It primarily affects males, who inherit the defective gene from their mothers. Females can be carriers of the gene and may pass it on to their children.

Red-green colour blindness in human is caused by an X-linked recessive allele if the trait occur in 4 of the males in a population at Hardy-Weinberg equilibriumthen the frequency of this allele is?

Since red-green color blindness is X-linked recessive, the trait affects males more frequently than females. If 4 out of 100 males are affected, then the frequency of the recessive allele can be calculated using the Hardy-Weinberg equation: q^2 = 0.04 (since males are hemizygous for X-linked traits). Taking the square root of 0.04 gives q = 0.2, which is the frequency of the recessive allele.

A gene on the female chromosome having no allelic partner on the y chromosome would be what?

This gene would be considered hemizygous in males since they only have one copy of it on their X chromosome without a corresponding allele on the Y chromosome. In females, the gene would be present in two copies on both X chromosomes.

Is hemophillia caused by a recessive allele?


Is waardenburg syndrome caused by a dominant or recessive allele?

Autosomal dominant allele

Is cystic fibrosis caused by a dominent or recessive gene?

It is caused by a recessive allele. Believe me my teacher told me.

Why is hemophilia more common in males than women?

this disease is caused by a recessive allele that is found only on the x chromosome. a human female has two x chromosomes. a human male only has 1 x chromosome. therefore, a male needs only one recessives allele to have hemophilia, while a female needs two recessive allele. as a result, hemophilia is much more common in males.

Is adrenoleukodystrophy dominant or recessive?

This disease results from a mutation on the x-chromosome. It's recessive considering that a dominant will only cover up things that have occur, for example the damage that has occured, with something else. A recessive will continue to give latent traits. The allele in Adrenoleukodystrophy can only be caused by heredity mutation thus making it recessive.

Is the allele causing huntington's disease dominant or recessive?

Huntington's disease is caused by a dominant allele

How many chromosome do congenital adrenal hyperplasia have?

The same number as any other human as the condition is not caused by the absence of an entire chromosome. 90% of cases are caused by an autosomal recessive of the CYP21 allele. So far there are at least 56 identified variations at this site that can cause the many variations of CAH.