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If 4% of males in a population have red-green color blindness, then the allelic frequency is 4% in males and in females. If mating is random, then in females, 92.16% do not carry the allele on either X chromosome, 7.68% carry the allele on one X chromosome, and 0.16% carry the allele on both X chromosomes. We have the dominant allele with frequency p and the recessive allele with frequency q, so 0.9216 + 0.0768 + 0.0016 = p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = (p + q)^2 = (0.96 + 0.04)^2

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Q: Red-green colour blindness in human is caused by an X-linked recessive allele if the trait occur in 4 of the males in a population at Hardy-Weinberg equilibriumthen the frequency of this allele is?
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What is the frequency of color blindness in the general population?

Color blindness is not blindness; it is the inabilty to tell certain hues from certain other hues. It can be mild to severe. Red/Green color blindness is the most common. Probabaly about 5% of the general population in some degree. Data has been produced about specific populations and samples; however, there are no definitive global statistics. .

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Not all forms of color blindness are hereditary. There are three distinct types of hereditary color blindness, each with different frequencies in the human population, and with distinct genetic causes. Red-green color blindness is more common among males than females, but blue-yellow color blindness is not. Talking about color blindness in general, there is no reliable ratio of male-to-female prevalence.

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