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The basic reason why is because of infrastructure costs and the unknown. With fossil fuel plants the running and maintenance costs are predictable and because they have been around for such a long time their useful life spans and life cycles are well known. As for renewable and green energy such as solar, it's relatively new compared to fossil fueled plants, not a lot of data on life cycle costs has been gathered as well as very high investment costs have held back many companies from implementing renewable energy. You will expect in the future to see more renewable energy projects such as solar energy as the price of solar panels has dropped dramatically over the last few years and scientists are working on creating liquid batteries to store solar energy when there is no sunlight. The near future for renewable energy is very promising.

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Q: Why are fossil fuels used to generate electricity in favor of renewable energy?
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Sort of.Wind turbines generate electricity,wich is a fossil fuel.

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It's increasing because we are still burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) to generate electricity. We need to move to renewable energy.

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Moving to renewable energy for electricity would extend the Earth's supply of the fossil fuel oil.

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Wind energy is harnessed to produce renewable electricity. This replaces non-renewable electricity from greenhouse-gas-polluting fossil fuel power stations.

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Solar power could be used to generate electricity instead of burning coal or oil.Dammed water could be used to generate electricity (Hydro-electric power) instead of burning fossil fuels.

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becase there weird

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Electricity produced by magnetism is called induced voltage. It is by induction, the passage of a magnetic field across a conductor, that a voltage will be induced ("caused" or "made to happen") in that conductor.

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Wind is a renewable energy. It has no carbon dioxide pollution like fossil fuels, so it adds nothing to global warming. Once it is set up the electricity is free for ever.